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How to Improve Your Psycho-Emotional State With Simple Tools?

How to Improve Your Psycho-Emotional State With Simple Tools

We all feel down sometimes. It is fine that you are not positive all the time: there are cases when a bright smile would be, look, and feel absolutely unnatural. However, if you have noticed that you haven’t been well for a long period of time, it is the right moment to take action and try to improve something.

First and foremost, remember that this is going to be a journey. Although the tools proposed in this article are simple to use, you need to be consistent.  Also, you can start with adding only one of them to your routine. Going slow is the best way to succeed, because the rush would only stress you out more.

So, here are some basic ways to improve your emotional state that are worth trying.

Legalize and Track Your Emotions

Although we are usually taught that negative emotions are something unnecessary and even forbidden, it isn’t so. Sure, you must not take it out on someone, but repressing the emotions inside is a bad practice that can even harm your health in the long run.

Allow yourself to live through all your feelings and appreciate the lessons they teach you. To know exactly what you feel, you can try the ones like theLiven app, which allows you to choose from a variety of emotional options. If you check in with yourself a few times a day, you will have a better picture of what your typical emotions are, and what influences their changes.

Getting insights of your existing thinking and behavioral patterns can become your first step on the way to emotional well-being.

Try Mindfulness

Some people might associate this term with meditation, and if you know that you can practice it, you can try meditating, too. However, what mindfulness means here is more about simply being aware in your everyday life. Try paying attention to everything you do at the moment and eliminating the distractions that try to switch your mind.

For example, wash the dishes fully concentrating on each plate and cup. If you catch yourself thinking of something else, like planning your evening or imagining what you’ll wear to work tomorrow, make an effort to get back to the dishes.

The fewer distractions there are, the easier it is for you to successfully complete the tasks and even do it faster than usual. Besides, mindfulness brings you a pleasant feeling of accomplishment, which allows you to get a better self-image and, therefore, improve your general psychological state.

Move, Eat, and Sleep

No matter if we like it or not, our mental well-being is strongly connected with physical health, so establishing a quality routine is a must. Yes, this might sound boring and trivial, but if you don’t give your body good nutrition, enough sleep, and a good move, it won’t feel well.

So, the best you can do is:

  • Stop revenge bedtime procrastination (that’s when you don’t go to bed even late at night just because you want to have some time for yourself);
  • Try to fall asleep before midnight;
  • Establish a wake-sleep schedule and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day;
  • Make your diet diverse and don’t set strict limits (consult a healthcare provider for ideas on your nutrition, if needed);
  • Choose an exercise plan that you like and can realistically stick to.

All of the above will make positive changes to your body even on the chemical level, releasing your happy hormones and boosting your mood.

Build Strong Connections

Make sure you have a supporting trustworthy community around you. Socializing is a huge part of our mental well-being, and without it, we start to feel lost and lonely. Don’t deprive yourself of communication with friends, parents, or a partner. If you don’t yet have the company you wish for, find a way to make new acquaintances. Luckily, in the era of the Internet, it is now easier than ever. You can either seek friends based on your interests or hobbies or find the ones that have similar emotional needs. A bond raised from understanding promises to be strong and healthy and normalize your psychological state.

Psycho-Emotional State With Simple Tools

Reduce Screen Time

Spending too much time on social media is proven to bring the feeling of isolation and dissatisfaction. The depressing experience of comparison serves no good to anybody, so you might want to avoid it by limiting the time you spend on your screen. What’s more, the blue light that comes from any screen has a negative effect on your ability to fall asleep as it forces your body to not produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. Thus, getting the bright blue light through your eyes, your brain thinks it’s daytime and doesn’t let you fall asleep as fast as you might.

Also, if you limit your online presence, you:

  1. have extra time to spend with your loved ones for some quality communication;
  2. don’t feel overwhelmed by all the tons of information you get from newsfeeds and social media.

What’s not to like here?


Taking care of your emotional well-being is not a short thing that happens overnight. On the contrary, you have to make it a part of your routine and be consistent so the results are stable and long-lasting.

Also, you can’t only focus on your feelings; making sure you move, sleep, and eat enough will definitely be a part of this journey, too. Basically, you create a new mindset and update your hobbies for the sake of your personal well-being, and it is a big positive change.

Don’t underestimate yourself, and begin your movement towards feeling better!

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