Will Collection Agencies Sue You?

When you owe people money and you’re getting calls to collect the debts that you owe, you may find yourself feeling very overwhelmed and not knowing where to turn. Plus, there’s always the threat of legal action hanging over your head too — right?
Well, will collection agencies sue you?
Some of the most aggressive debt collection out there won’t hesitate to sue you if the debt is, in fact, yours, and the statute of limitations hasn´t yet expired.
They Can Be Relentless
Both attorneys and non-attorney representatives staff some collection agencies. You can contact them at any time to resolve the debt on your own without them having to sue you for the debt, but the ones with lawyers on staff are more likely to pursue legal action.
Those collection agencies are also less likely to work with people on settling their debts, especially if it appears that you could easily pay off whatever debt you owe. Something to keep in mind is that not every debt collector is out to get you or wants to sue you. Some companies do want to work with you. Ultimately they want to obtain the funds they are owed — yes. But they also want to help people who owe money, which is why they may not always resort to suing those who do owe money.
If you are not one of those people that may be able to pay off their debts more easily, they will be more likely to work with you on a credit relief plan, meaning everybody wins, and without legal costs or wasting time going to court, filling out paperwork, etc. Of course, if it looks like they’re going to play hardball, you can always seek credit relief on line at, or a similar site.
There are many things you should know when being contacted by collection agencies, but the most important things to know are that they can, in fact, sue you and that they don’t necessarily have to create a settlement with you, especially if they have reason to believe that you can comfortably afford to pay them the money that you owe.
There are companies that want to assist both their clients and the person owing the said debt, but don’t take that to mean they’ll go easy on you. When you’re dealing with a particularly vigorous agency, their aggressive collection methods also mean that they are not a company you want to ignore or try to avoid.
If such an agency is contacting you, it is important that you insist they confirm your debt. Meanwhile, you should review the statute of limitations regarding the debt in question, and know your rights. Once those things have been done, it is important to work with one of their representatives to either come up with a settlement plan or repayment options that you can afford. Otherwise, the agency can and will take appropriate legal action to obtain the balance owed.
If they are forced to take legal action against you due to your debts, this can also result in expensive attorney and court fees, on top of the debt that is already owed.
Therefore, it is typically best to just answer the phone, get the information you need to be certain the debt is yours, be open and honest once it’s verified, and work with their representatives to come up with a credit relief settlement or repayment plan that works for you There are plenty of options and ways to pay them and to view your outstanding balance.