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Why Everyone’s Obsessed with Airport Trays: Unpacking the Latest Travel Trend

airport tray
  • Airport tray videos illustrate a cultural movement towards documenting personal travel experiences, as well as a preference for the familiar.
  • Social media amplifies the tendency, transforming mundane in-flight encounters into digital awards and aesthetic exhibits.
  • The trend provides psychological comfort as well as a distinct culinary experience, all while expanding with new technologies and creative expression.

In today’s digital age, where sharing every detail of our lives online is second nature, an unexpected trend has emerged: airport tray videos. Travellers from all around the world are increasingly recording videos of their in-flight meals and airport trays and posting them on social media channels. But what’s causing this infatuation with seemingly commonplace content?

A Cultural Shift in Content Sharing

One of the primary drivers of this trend is a broader cultural shift in how we consume and distribute content. Historically, travel photography was dominated by gorgeous landscapes and renowned monuments. The emphasis has changed to chronicling personal experiences and sharing intimate, ordinary moments of life. Airport tray films fit well into this trend, providing a glimpse into the seemingly regular but globally familiar experience of plane travel.

Appeal of the Ordinary

Something is reassuring about the familiar. In a world full of constant stimulus and new experiences, the ordinary can bring a sense of calm. Airport tray films appeal to our yearning for the familiar, evoking nostalgic recollections of previous trips and reminding us of the basic pleasures in life. The in-flight meal, a fundamental component of the travelling experience, becomes a symbol of the voyage itself, elevating the mundane to something worth discussing.

Digital Trophies: Capturing The Travel Experience

For many people, recording an airport tray video serves as a digital trophy—a tangible remembrance of their journey. These movies are more than simply snapshots; they are memories that may be shared with friends, family, and followers. In this way, airport tray films serve as a type of social currency, allowing travellers to share their experiences and connect with others who share their enthusiasm for experiencing the world.

The Power of Social Media

TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have all contributed significantly to the popularity of airport tray videos. These platforms offer an ideal environment for users to share their work with a large audience, and the viral nature of these sites has fuelled the trend. What may have begun as a quirky one-off has evolved into a recognisable and extensively shared type of material, with videos of beautifully stacked trays receiving thousands of views and likes.

A Culinary Journey

Airport tray videos provide viewers with a unique culinary trip. While in-flight meals may not be Michelin-starred, they do provide a sample of local cuisines and delicacies from many nations. By sharing these experiences, travellers can expose their audience to a diverse range of cuisines from around the world, transforming their movies into a kind of global gastronomic exhibition.

Psychological Comfort of Control

This trend is also psychological. Capturing and sharing these moments gives you a sense of control and agency in what may otherwise be a stressful and hectic travel experience. By photographing their airport tray and in-flight meals, travellers might feel more grounded and connected to their experience, establishing a sense of order in the face of travel volatility.

The Role of Aesthetics

Another factor fuelling this trend is the desire for visual perfection. With the advent of social media influencers and content providers, there is an increased emphasis on curating visually appealing content. This has resulted in the emergence of what some refer to as the “airport tray aesthetic,” in which travellers arrange their belongings on the tray for the perfect photograph. From vintage cameras to luxury accessories, the contents of these trays are meticulously selected to reflect the traveller’s taste and elevate the mundane to the level of art.


The airport tray video trend is more than a fad; it reflects our evolving relationship with technology, our yearning for connection, and our appreciation for the basic pleasures of life. As we continue to travel the world, we can expect this tendency to change and expand, providing new opportunities to chronicle and share our adventures. Whether for nostalgia, aesthetics, or gastronomic adventure, one thing is certain: airport tray videos are here to stay.

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