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Website Branding Can Build Your Business

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On average, it takes someone 0.05 seconds to make a judgment about a company based on their website. That initial first impression can make the difference between gaining a new customer or them going elsewhere. This is why your website branding is so important – ultimately it can make a difference, not only to your reputation, but also to your profit. Branding isn’t just about your logo and color scheme. It’s about the ethos of your company, and this needs to be displayed clearly on your website. Without this transparency, it is difficult to build the trust of your customers and clients. So when you’re building your website, consider how beneficial it is to building your business.

Focus on the facts

If your website is crammed with information and it is difficult to find what you’re looking for, then what does this say about your company? Ask yourself exactly why a potential customer has come to your website. They want to find out what you do, how much products and services cost, and when you can you provide them – and they want to find out this information fast. So present your customers with the facts, and if you are saying that you’re the best, then provide testimonials to back this up. Your website branding needs to be straightforward and succinct to reflect your business.

Cut down on the jargon

Although as a business you want to show that you are proficient and knowledgeable, don’t assume that your customer has the same level of knowledge – after all, that is why they are coming to you as a professional company. For instance, if you are a law firm, make sure your website clearly reflects what you represent and your branding focuses on your successes. Don’t try and bombard the customer with legal jargon and statute in an attempt to demonstrate your knowledge – this will only serve to alienate them. Present your individual attorneys on your website so that the customer can see who they are putting their trust in. Every sentence on your website needs to be clear to the average person, and your directors and employees need to be presentable and welcoming.

Consider useability

Useability is fundamental in your website branding. 38% of people will actually leave a website unless it is completely clear and functional. The look of your website gives your clients and customers a consistent message that builds up both trust and familiarity, but it needs to be designed in fonts and colors that are clear and legible. The typography and style should be the same on every page, and this also needs to transfer over to all social media. The useability of your website reflects on your brand: make sure that it is immaculate.

Your website branding can bring you big business. Make sure that it reflects the ethos and professionalism of your company.

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