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Unique Ways to Boost Productivity Among Your Employees

Unique Ways to Boost Productivity Among Your Employees

Employees are the heart and soul of your business. To paraphrase Virgin founder Richard Branson, employees should always come first, and if you treat them well, they will extend the same gratitude to your clients. Bonuses, good HR, and regular motivation can keep your employees happy and productive, but there are also a few other ways to increase their productivity and make them even more valuable assets to your organization.

Encourage Self-Care

Give your employees the time, means, and encouragement to work on their physical and mental health. A healthier and happier employee is a more productive employee, and there will also be fewer absences and illnesses. Here are a few things you can do to benefit the health of your employees:

  • Introduce flexible working hours
  • Add healthy foods and drinks to company kitchens/vending machines
  • Encourage collaboration inside and outside work
  • Allow employees to work remotely
  • Add games to rec rooms, giving your employees team-building activities during their breaks
  • Provide access to occupational therapists and workplace counselling

Teach Them a New Language

We’ve all heard about the benefits of learning a new language, from improvements in memory and general cognition to greater cultural understanding and easier cross-border communication.

Learning a new language can also boost employee satisfaction, creativity, productivity, and collaboration. Few things feel better than having your first conversation in a foreign language, especially when you’re chatting with a colleague on the same language-learning journey.

For international employees, working in a company where colleagues can effectively communicate with them can be a game changer. It enhances their sense of belonging, supports their well-being, and significantly improves employee retention.

You can give your employees these benefits by initiating corporate language education, such as a business Spanish learning programme.

Schedule One-on-One Meetings and Promote Honesty and Openness

Team meetings don’t always tell you what you need to know about the state of your organisation. The loudest voices take over, and the quietest ones fade into the background. You begin with the intent of hearing what everyone has to say but end up listening to the most influential person in the room. Instead, arrange one-on-one meetings with all members of your organisation or the ones tasked with leading certain teams and departments. Let them know that it’s a safe space and they are free to say what they want without repercussions. This is a good way to learn about internal issues within the company, if there are any. It may sound like a time-consuming approach, but with the prevalence of collaboration software and video chat, it has never been easier. You can get the information that you need with conversations of just ten or twenty minutes per person. Not only can you learn things that could save or advance your business, but your employees will also feel valued and appreciated, as you have taken the time to speak with them directly and heed what they have to say.

Create a Clean, Bright, Green Workspace

The workplace environment can have a massive impact on employee happiness and motivation. Get rid of the clutter, clean things up, check the air conditioning and heating situation, and ensure there is lots of natural light. Also consider adding some greenery around the office space. It might seem like a minor addition, but it could have a big impact. According to a study from 2023, simply adding plants to the workspace could provide a number of benefits such as:

  • Fewer complaints about dry air
  • A more attractive workspace
  • A greater sense of privacy
  • Higher workplace satisfaction
  • Fewer health complaints

Give Employees Their Dream Desks

We’ve all seen the sitcom tropes of office workers getting excited about a new ergonomically-designed desk or chair, not to mention the countless scenes depicting employees making a big deal out of getting a new office or a bigger cubicle. And that’s because it is a big deal. They work at those desks and in those offices for upwards of eight hours a day. It’s a lot of time to spend in one place. So, invest in the happiness of your employees by giving them the desks, chairs, and cubicles they prefer. You will show them that you’re listening, and it will also inspire them to work harder for a company that believes in them.

Summary: Boosting Employee Productivity

Your employees are your assets, and if you protect them and nurture them, they will reward you with greater productivity and provide the sort of results you need to drive your business forward. So, advance toward a more productive workspace by cleaning things up, focusing on employee health and wellbeing, initiating a language learning program, and giving them the desks and tools that they need to thrive.

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