In rеcеnt yеars, thе digital nomad lifеstylе has gainеd immеnsе popularity, with millions of individuals sееking thе frееdom to work from anywhеrе in thе world. This...
Accessing Erste Bank’s 200 years of financial knowledge via AI technology from ChatGPT and OpenAI Generative AI understands complex finance and money-related questions asked in a...
Highlights Grеta Gеrwig, dirеctor of “Barbiе,” cеlеbratеs thе film’s astounding succеss at thе London Film Fеstival. “Barbiе” portrays thе advеnturеs of thе iconic doll and Kеn...
Researchers have produced an engineered tissue representing a simplified cerebral cortex by 3D printing human stem cells. When implanted into mouse brain slices, the structures became...
Key Highlights: U.S.-China Clash over RISC-V Technology U.S.-China tech conflict intensifies over RISC-V, an open-source chip technology. RISC-V competes with proprietary Arm Holdings tech, utilized in...
ChatGPT’s Parent Company Considers Custom Chip Development to Overcome Supply Challenges In a recent development, OpenAI, the innovator behind ChatGPT, is contemplating the creation of its...
A person’s vulnerability to different SARS-CoV-2 variants is influenced by their initial exposure, shaping their immune response and affecting vaccine effectiveness. The study highlights the need...
Navigating the Digital Divide: Insights into Screen Time Dilemmas 53% of Americans aged 18 to 40 struggle with limiting screen time. 51% worry about the potential...
RoboForex was honored to take home the “Best Copy Trading Platform” and “Best Multi Asset Trading Platform” awards for 2023 at the prestigious Global Brand Awards....
Google has raised the bar yet again with the launch of its newest smartphones, the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro. These devices come packed with...