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These Technological Innovations Changed the World

Technological Innovations

Inventions happen all the time, but some of them have a bigger impact than others. If you want to find out more, here’s a breakdown of the top inventions that moved the world forward.

TCP Protocol

The birth of the internet network was a huge step forward. Four university computers connected for the first time in 1969, followed by the TCP protocol, which sent files between multiple computers. TCP protocol started a big movement, especially within the entertainment sector. Now you can play live blackjack games from your computer, with a real casino dealer. You can also use online systems to make deposits to your account, which helps to supplement the experience by making it more realistic. It’s also possible to stream from sites such as Netflix, with the option to download seasons or movies if you’ve not got access to the internet.

Netflix uses TCP protocol as it doesn’t require port forwarding, not to mention that it is also very time-sensitive. TCP protocol also helps to ensure higher-quality video streaming, showing what an impact it has had on our world since its creation in the 1970s.

Xerox Alto

Computers have changed our lives for the better. They simplify tasks and they also store information and data quickly. The invention of the transistor began in 1947 and this helped to put experts on the track for creating the first computer. The vacuum tube became a thing of the past and this helped to make desktop PCs smaller. Microprocessors then hit the market in 1973, with the Xerox Alto being one of the most influential tech advancements of its time. It’s seen as being one of the first personal computers in the world, and it also introduced the Ethernet cable and the laser printer as well. Without the Xerox Alto, it’s safe to say we wouldn’t have laptops or tablets, so it’s not hard to see how influential this invention was for the tech sector.


Source: Pexels

The Motorola DynaTac

In 1983, people took inspiration from the first personal computer and launched the first mobile phone. The Motorola DynaTac 8000X only had a battery life of 30 minutes and when you break down the first few generations, the only thing you could do was talk on it. As time went by, new games such as Snake came out with the option of downloading numerous apps. The ability to send SMS messages or emails became the norm, and so did GPS features and social networks. This helped to pave the way for several new advancements, none of which would have been possible without The Motorola DynaTac, TCP Protocol and Xerox Alto.

When you break down the history, it’s evident to see that these are the two most influential innovations that changed the world. They have paved the way for so many new things, including online shopping and a more connected world. To look at and think at one point we were without them, is difficult to do. Our world is more syndicated than ever and this helps to provide numerous benefits to people across the globe.

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