Singtel Group Partners With Samsung To Enhance Mobile Experience

SingTel Group to drive joint infotainment, communication and technology services with Samsung
The SingTel Group announced a partnership with Samsung’s innovative products. This strategic partnership is focused on driving the next-generation infotainment, technology services and mobile communication in Asia. Considering the scale of SingTel Group and the innovative products and services offered by Samsung, the partnership will be an added advantage for both the companies.
As a part of this partnership, the parties will offer digital services and applications to all the customers of SingTel Group including Advanced Info Service in Thailand, Globe Telecom and Airtel in Philippines, Optus in Australia, SingTel in Singapore and Telkomsel in Indonesia. In addition to this, both the parties will work together in order to identify various opportunities for joint launches and marketing campaigns. The companies will also be able to influence each other’s distribution channel so that they can extend their retail market and reach more customers.
SingTel Group’s leading brands along with Samsung’s mobile device resourcefulness will expand the 3G and 4G customer base in each of the markets and enhance the customer experience by broadening their access to more intelligent networks.
Mark Chong, the CEO of SingTel Group stated that, “SingTel Group and Samsung will deliver an exciting mobile experience for customers, through brilliant mobile and innovative devices.” According to Mark, this will not only mutually benefit both the parties, but will also help the combined 400 million customers to take advantage of the unique offers that the partnership will provide in the future.
Mr DJ Lee, President of Samsung Electronics stated that they are extremely honoured by the opportunity to provide their customers with advanced mobile experiences. In order to introduce the next-generation mobile communications from Samsung, they will fully support and work closely with the leading mobile operators.
The Samsung and SingTel Group partnership will begin this month and joint projects will commence in the following quarter.