Saudi Arabia” Launches Program To Develop Specialized Services And Operational Performance In All Its Terminals

Saudi Arabian Airlines begins November Safar 1438 AH implementation of a specialized program for the development of operational performance titled “Field visits collective executive,” which is part of a scheduled series to visit different stations inside the kingdom on a monthly basis, with the aim of the presence of executives collectively in the fields and workspaces and stand closely the progress of operations on the ground to raise the level of services provided to the guests, “Saudi Arabia” in all locations and to make sure safety measures taken, in addition to enhancing coordination and communication between the stations and government departments in the management of airports as well as to increase seating capacity.
This comes within the transformation program initiatives (2020) which is being implemented in the organization and its strategy and its units, and will review the executive meeting, which was held Safar 1438 AH headed by General of Saudi Arabian Airlines Director Engineer Saleh Bin Nasser Al-Jasser, the presence of corporate CEOs and units arising from the allocation of the institution and the heads of the sectors concerned operation and guest service, human resources, systems and safety, the most recent figures and performance achieved during the past period and compare it with the contents of the pre-development plans, as well as actions taken to activate preventive safety and safety predictive principles through a range of measures and themes to be discussed by the program, and so out of the keenness of “Saudi Arabia” on product development and provide better services and commitment to safety procedures in all operating sites.
The aim of “field visits collective program for executives’ evaluation of procedures and the work environment to serve the guests, identify and record the factors that need to be corrected or improved in order to ensure the application of the highest local and international standards related, whether in terms of operational safety requirements or other operational aspects, and can accommodate goals the program also includes improving the operational work environment which reflects positively on increasing efficiency and productivity, and communicate directly with staff, local leaders, and to identify the challenges of operating processes, and develop appropriate solutions, and review standards and performance indicators at the station, as well as the expansion of the direct and regular meetings between staff and executives to expand the scope of the 2020 program of transformation initiatives.
The program focuses on many of the themes, particularly the inspection requirements for safety in all centers, “Arabia” within the Kingdom with the aim reporting of occupational safety and health relationship risk, which applies to all facilities “Saudi Arabia” in addition to the operational staff workers and working facilities and surroundings, work environment , operational equipment, work practices and support functions, aspects of occupational safety and health risks, and programs of preventive safety, the program also depends on the four methodologies by the executives in the “Saudi Arabia” It is a general review of the facilities and operational needs, create a priority system for conducting inspections, conducting operations public inspection in accordance with the models appropriate inspection and certified, holding meetings with all stakeholders to identify the notes, requirements, and discuss ways to apply the necessary and appropriate solutions measures.