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Public Consultation for 22 Bishopsgate

Designs for the proposed tower at 22 Bishopsgate will be displayed for the first time today as part of a public exhibition. The exhibition is to be held on site at 22 Bishopsgate and comes ahead of the anticipated submission of a new planning application later this summer. The new design follows the acquisition of the site earlier this year by a consortium of international investors led by AXA Real Estate, with Lipton Rogers acting as development partner.

Balancing the City skyline
22 Bishopsgate will fill an obvious gap at the centre of the City’s cluster of tall buildings. Work stopped in 2012 on the previous development of the site, which was granted planning approval in 2007 and had a consent that was designed for different economic conditions, with only the foundations, basements and the lift core up to level nine having been completed. Of the existing structure, the foundations and basements will be retained, helping minimise the disruption from the new proposal.

The new design, led by Karen Cook of PLP Architects, responds to recent towers, which have been approved and developed in the area since 2007, whilst respecting designated views from around London. The proposed building is 278m and 62 storeys tall; 10m lower than the previously approved consent. Overall the building will provide more than 1.4 million sqft of net internal area with the floor plates shaped to reduce the mass of the building, whilst offering the optimum size and configuration for potential occupiers.

At the top of the building will be a public viewing gallery, which will have dedicated lifts, be free to the public and sit alongside a two storey public restaurant and bar.

Delivering a ‘Vertical City’ to a Global City
London’s position as a world leading Global City and continued predictions for its employment growth are putting pressure on the supply of central London office space which meets the needs of modern businesses.  With the advent of Crossrail at Liverpool Street, 22 Bishopsgate is in the heart of one of the best-connected CBDs in Europe and fulfils the increasing need for high-density employment space that maximises the benefits of this public investment in infrastructure.

On completion, 22 Bishopsgate will be an integrated vertical city which accommodates over 12,000 people, and has been conceived to provide an exceptional work environment including an extensive range of amenities, services and facilities, arts and entertainment. In the nine years since the previous design was approved, both business and employee expectations for their workplaces have led to increased standards in office design and management.  The proposals for 22 Bishopsgate have taken a fresh look at this new environment based on international best practice and aim to create a better place for people to experience whether at work, at play or when visiting.

22 Bishopsgate aims to create a community; the plans include spaces for meeting and collaboration, as well as a range of cafés, food outlets and a conference centre, complimented with amenities such as a medical centre, library, a wellness suite, and specialised sports facilities.  22 Bishopsgate will host art installations, curated events and seminars, while on the ground floors, there will be a programme of coached sessions ranging from cookery through to language lessons.

Large floorplates provide flexibility that will appeal to all business sectors
The spatial design of the proposed floorplates and their size – over 20,000 sqft at most levels – offer increased flexibility for interior layouts with a variety of working spaces, which can accommodate internal staircases and winter gardens to support business activity and improve productivity. This means that 22 Bishopsgate will be equally appealing to a wide range of businesses from all sectors across London and of all sizes.

Focus on wellbeing and reducing environmental impact
The flexible approach to space is coupled with oversized floor-to-ceiling heights that deliver 20% more window space than conventional office building and provide exceptional views as well as a natural light, which helps promote the building’s aim of improving wellbeing; a theme which is evidenced by the fact that 22 Bishopsgate aims to be the first building in London to adopt the new Delos WELL Building Standard.  The Delos standard is the world’s first building standard focused exclusively on human health and wellness and assesses people using the building to measure, certify and monitor features that impact health and wellbeing.

In addition to its exceptional accessibility by public transport, 22 Bishopsgate, will achieve a BREEAM Excellent sustainability certification and a 25% carbon saving compared to the previous scheme, partly due to the triple glazed ultra-efficient façade.

Big on biking
The building will set new standards in promoting cycling, providing a parking facility on site for over 1,500 bikes and over 100 showers, along with hire, repairs, sales, safety training, spinning classes, laundry and drying facilities.

Improving safety and reducing congestion through a unique consolidated delivery plan
22 Bishopsgate will also be the first major office building in London to use an off-site consolidated delivery centre to minimise vehicle movements to the site – reducing pollution, improving security and diminishing the number of cyclist accidents with HGVs. Supplies to and waste from the building will be delivered to a consolidation centre outside central London and energy efficient vehicles will then make far fewer deliveries to the site outside peak pedestrian movement and rush hour times.

Commenting on the proposed development, Sir Stuart Lipton of Lipton Rogers said:  “22 Bishopsgate will represent an elegant addition to the City of London at the heart of the cluster of tall buildings. Technically advanced with care for people at the heart of its strategy and taking new ways of working as its essence, the building will assist personnel to feel motivated and earn its place as the finest working environment in Europe with wellbeing and a range of social facilities that make the work experience less stressful, as well as more uplifting and efficient.”

Anne Kavanagh Global Head of Asset Management and Transactions at AXA Real Estate, added: “Our commitment to develop 22 Bishopsgate is driven by London’s status as one of the preeminent world cities and its continued capacity to generate employment and growth. As with our other projects, 22 Bishopsgate has an underlying commitment to create a sustainable building environmentally, socially and economically. This investment is being made for the long term and – along with public and private investment into the local transport and infrastructure – we believe will continue to strengthen central London’s position as an international business location.”

The exhibition of the proposed development will run from 12-2pm, and 4-8pm until Friday 19 June and 10am-4pm on Saturday 20 June.

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