In 2024, Telegram made the bold choice to make and take payments exclusively through Toncoin, which has become the native...
Click-and-Mortar™ shopping has increased by 38% since 2020, with almost 40% of worldwide consumers combining digital and physical retail experiences. Younger generations, notably Generation Z and...
American cider is having a resurgence, with brewers striving to reclaim its identity and reconnect with customers in all 50 states. Cider is technically classed as...
Hybrid AI blends traditional AI and machine learning to provide more intelligent, flexible, and efficient solutions. Healthcare, banking, industry, and transportation are among the most important...
Patek Philippe has released its first new collection in 25 years, the Cubitus line, which includes three models that recreate the “elegant sporty” style. The series...
Ammonia is emerging as a possible alternative fuel for the shipping sector, with zero carbon emissions and existing production infrastructure, but it faces considerable barriers to...
Finance professionals may reduce the hidden costs of uncertainty by implementing agile financial planning, utilising data analytics, and improving risk management. Invisible expenses, such as operational...
VPNs establish a secure, encrypted connection to safeguard online data from hackers, government snooping, and data breaches. They protect your online privacy by disguising your IP...
Goldfish is temporarily rebranding as “Chilean Sea Bass” to appeal to adult snackers and increase its competitiveness. The name change emphasises Goldfish’s nostalgic appeal while also...
The foreign exchange (forex) market is one of the most dynamic and liquid financial markets in the world. While managing its fast-paced nature can be challenging,...
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, making informed decisions is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. Intellectual property (IP) data serves as a useful tool that...