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NUS Launches New Global Mentorship Programme to Nurture Students with Global Executive Mindset


More than 300 employers from 20 industries offer over 4,000 jobs at NUS Career Fest 2019

The National University of Singapore (NUS) launched the Global Mentorship Programme designed to help students develop a global executive mindset. Introduced at the opening ceremony of NUS Career Fest 2019, this new programme will commence in the next academic year starting August 2019.

NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye said, “Companies increasing their global footprint value employees who can understand cultural sensitivities, build relationships across different markets and work effectively in a diverse international team. Many are also looking to expand into Southeast Asia, a culturally diverse region that collectively makes up the world’s fifth largest economy. It is therefore vital for our students to think global, be nimble, and seize the opportunities before them.”

“At NUS, we aim to further sharpen the competitiveness of our students, beyond overseas exchanges and internships. The new NUS Global Mentorship Programme will give our students a stronger, global edge in their careers. They will benefit immensely from the deep and varied industry experience of their mentors across Southeast Asia and the world,” Prof Tan added.

NUS students learn how to ask the right questions and spark conversations with employers at a talk held at the NUS Career Fest 2019. The annual career fair attracted more than 300 employers offering over 4,000 job opportunities in 20 industries.

NUS Global Mentorship Programme

The NUS Global Mentorship Programme aims to help students who are interested in a global career develop key employability skills. Managed by the NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates (NUS CFG), the programme kick-starts with a pilot involving 50 students. NUS undergraduates across all faculties are eligible for the programme, and applications are open until 31 March 2019.

Successful applicants will be matched with industry professionals who are either based overseas, have experience working abroad or hold a regional role. For a start, more than 30 global professionals have been specially selected to serve as mentors to NUS students. These mentors bring with them a wealth of experience from diverse sectors, including consulting, technology, finance, non-profit organisations, engineering and education.

Through the course of a semester, students may approach the mentors for advice on matters relating to the mentors’ areas of expertise, overseas insights, career path development, and professional practices. Students are also encouraged to keep a journal of the mentorship experience, so that they can track their personal development.

NUS alumnus and Global Mentor Mr Lim Cheng Teck, who had enjoyed a long and successful career with Standard Chartered Bank and held senior roles such as Regional Chief Executive of ASEAN and Chief Executive of Singapore, said, “I would like to share my experience with the hope that this will help equip NUS undergraduates to be more successful in their career journey, with a specific focus on developing leadership skills. I hope that they would be able to benefit from practical career experience that can tilt their careers favourably, and help them gain a head start in their careers.” Mr Lim has retired from Standard Chartered Bank as Vice Chairman, ASEAN, and is currently the Chairman of Singapore-based Fintech start-up Minterest.

Global Mentor Mr Michele Lai Chin, who is a key account manager with Qvest Media, said, “My career in media, IT and tech has taken me to many countries across Asia and Europe. Business today is international and cross-cultural communication is a key differentiator. NUS students are given a world-class education in a truly multi-cultural society like Singapore, and they have the opportunity to develop cultural understanding and adaptability, which will give them a significant advantage in their global careers. Working professionals have the responsibility to nurture the next generation to ensure society will continue to prosper, and the NUS Global Mentorship Programme gives us the opportunity to share our experience and takeaways with talented students who will soon enter the workforce.”

In line with the objective of encouraging students to acquire global experiences, the NUS Career Fest 2019 also features a “Go Global” Booth where NUS CFG career advisors will share with students more information about the University’s global programmes, such as the NUS Global Mentorship Programme, NUS Global Internship Programme and NUS Overseas Colleges programme, as well as provide tips for launching a global career.

An interactive and inclusive NUS Career Fest 2019

Since last year, NUS CFG had refreshed its annual career fair with a more interactive approach, giving a greater focus to self-development and career exploration, while continuing to provide students with job avenues and opportunities to network with employers.

Held over two days on 29 January 2019 and 1 February 2019, the NUS Career Fest 2019 has been designed to be a festival of learning, featuring innovative segments to engage students. These include a “Hack Your Video Interview” zone for students to practise their digital video interviews; an interactive virtual reality (VR) space, “Spaceporter”, powered by Accenture and Pymetrics, for students to experience evolving hiring processes driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and VR technologies; as well as an interactive showroom dedicated to engineering careers. NUS CFG career advisors are also on hand to help students develop a networking game plan to maximise the time of their visits and meet their objectives at the career fair.

This year, NUS CFG has also partnered the Singapore Business Network on Disability (SBNoD), NUS Disability Support Office and student interest group NUS Enablers to support the job search of special needs students at NUS Career Fest. A networking area is made available for these students to seek advice from SBNoD regarding job opportunities and job search strategies. NUS CFG has also collaborated with employers to identify suitable positions for students with special needs.

NUS Career Fest 2019 has attracted more than 300 employers offering over 4,000 job opportunities in 20 industries, such as biomedical sciences, chemicals and energy, financial services, media and entertainment, precision engineering, as well as high-growth areas such as Fintech and AI. It is also the University’s largest career fair to date and participating employers include Amazon, Airbnb, DBS Bank Ltd, IBM Singapore Pte Ltd, MSD, Taiger and AI Singapore.

More than 12,000 NUS students and alumni are expected to attend the two-day career event, which continues to be an attractive platform for them to interact with prospective employers and source for internship and employment opportunities.

For more information on NUS Career Fest 2019, please visit:

Source: NUS

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