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New Technology That Changes City Living

New Technology

Our cities are changing, and the way we live in cities is changing, thanks to new technology. New innovations, from self-driving cars and elevators to solar panels and smart buildings, are making city living safer and more convenient than ever before.

Here are a few examples:

Autonomous Ubers

Uber has been testing autonomous cars in Pittsburgh, Arizona and San Francisco. The company is also working on an Uber Elevate driverless public transit service that will be available by 2023. So regardless of where you live, your city might soon have its own fleet of autonomous Ubers roaming the streets 24/7.

Smart parking spaces

Smart parking spaces are a game changer. Sensors that are embedded in the ground transmit real-time info to drivers allowing them to see what spaces are available and where. That information is sent to a mobile app or website booking portal that can save you time trying to locate an accessible space.

Smart parking spaces can be installed in any city or business district that values efficiency over aesthetics: no need for fancy architecture here! These self-operating systems will save time and money while helping reduce traffic congestion by ensuring everyone gets a space safely without having to worry about getting fined by their local government due to some sort of parking violation.

If your city still needs to get on board with this new tech, then another option is to look for long-term parking options, which are often cheaper and more convenient than daily parking. In LA, parking, on average, costs around $9.50 per hour, making it one of the most expensive cities to park in the USA. If you are a regular in downtown LA and are looking to save some money, then searching for LA monthly parking may be the right option for you. It is far more convenient, you will have the same spot reserved, and you will save money!

Self-driving elevators

Self-driving elevators are being tested in China. The elevator can be programmed to take you to your floor and is more efficient than a human operator. Self-driving elevators can also be used during peak hours when more people are waiting for the elevator than operators to run them.

Self-driving cars

Self-driving cars are a reality and are already in use in some cities. They’re safer than human drivers and will be a big part of the future. Self-driving cars will be able to do more than just drive you around: they’ll have the ability to connect with other devices and make driving easier for everyone.

Hyper trains

Hyper trains are a new type of train that can travel at very high speeds. They are similar to high-speed passenger trains but with a different designs. The hyper train is expected to be able to travel at speeds of up to 400mph.

The advantages of hyper trains include the following:

  • A reduction in commuting times and an increase in productivity for passengers
  • Better transport links between cities and regions

Solar panel tech

Solar panel technology is changing how we power our cities. Solar panels are getting cheaper and more efficient, which means they can be used to power entire cities, not just homes and buildings. This new development will allow people in urban areas to charge their electric vehicles on solar energy as well as heat or cool their houses—a massive win for the environment.

Making your city safer with tech

New technologies can be used to make cities safer. Some technologies, like facial recognition software, allow law enforcement agencies to identify criminals and undocumented immigrants during public events. Such technology could also be used in schools and businesses to prevent crime and terrorism. For example, a student who attends school with facial recognition software on their phone is immediately identified by the system when they enter school grounds. Identifying them as “unregistered” or “undocumented,” allows an administrator access to their personal information so they can decide whether or not it’s appropriate for them to stay at the school.

Smart buildings that track your life

As you walk through an intelligent building, sensors throughout the space track your movements. They can also monitor temperature, humidity and air quality. The information collected by these sensors is sent to a central computer that monitors everything in the building. In addition to tracking your movements throughout the day, intelligent buildings can also alert you when something is wrong. For example, they might notify you if there’s an issue with one of the systems (like heating or cooling) or if someone opens one of your windows without using their identification badge.

Intelligent buildings may even be able to control other devices for you—all from the convenience of a smartphone app!

New technology is changing the way we live in cities

We already have so many new technologies we use today and this will only continue to increase as the year go on. Some of the more common technologies include:

  • Smartphones
  • Wearables
  • Internet of things (IoT) devices, such as smart home appliances and wearables connect to the internet and each other. This includes blockchain technology, which creates a secure ledger of transactions between parties. The IoT also includes artificial intelligence (AI)—not just the software but algorithms built into objects—that can improve our lives in ways we have yet to imagine. AI is already being used to help diagnose medical conditions, predict traffic patterns and find lost children. It could eventually reduce crime rates by predicting when someone might commit an offence before they even act on their intentions. One company has even created AI that can detect depression based on facial expressions!


There are so many exciting things happening in the world of city living, and we’re looking forward to seeing how these technologies will change the way people live. From self-driving cars to smart buildings, a lot is going on! While it might seem like a lot of work for companies to develop these products, their main goal is improving our lives and making them easier for us. For further information on how technology is changing our cities you can read this helpful article here.

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