Science & Environment
New series of climate education conversations launched to support educators

Science education researchers from King’s College London and the University of York have partnered to launch a new series of online workshops to bring together teachers, teacher educators, young people, and researchers to discuss climate change and sustainability education.
Dr. Lizzie Rushton from King’s Centre for Research in Education in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, and Dr. Lynda Dunlop, from the University of York, have launched a new series of online workshops to bring together teachers, teacher educators, young people, and researchers to discuss climate change and sustainability education.
This initiative builds on the BERA Manifesto for Education for Environmental Sustainability, to which teachers, teacher educators, and youth contributed in 2021. Among their concerns, they identified the need to have greater opportunities to explore ideas on climate education with others.
This series of online ‘climate education conversations’ will help the researchers better understand the tools and resources educators need in the context of climate change and sustainability education.
These virtual discussions will offer a supportive space where young people (16 years +), teachers, teacher educators, educators, and researchers can share ideas and perspectives focused on some of the key topics in climate change and sustainability education, thus learning from each other as individuals as well as networks.
Source: King’s College London