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The Most Popular Resolution for 2025 Revealed

  • Saving money is the most popular New Year’s resolution for 2025, with over 20% of Americans committing to it.
  • Financial anxiety is a major driver, with 58% of Americans feeling stressed about their finances heading into the new year.
  • 38% of respondents made financial resolutions for 2025, showing a growing focus on improving financial security.

As we approach the conclusion of 2024, many individuals are already looking ahead to 2025, with saving money emerging as the most popular New Year’s objective. Multiple surveys show that financial concerns are fuelling the desire to save, and many people are looking to take control of their financial future as the new year begins.

The Most Common Resolution: Save More Money

According to a recent Statista study of 1,050 Americans, the most popular New Year’s resolution for 2025 is to save more money, with more than one in every five Americans (21%) making this commitment. This objective outperforms other popular resolutions, including eating healthier (19%), exercising more (17%), and reducing weight (15%). Furthermore, 14% of respondents prioritised spending more time with family and friends.

A YouGov survey of over 1,100 Americans conducted in December revealed a similar pattern, which supports this finding. Saving money was the most popular resolution among 26% of respondents, followed by physical health goals (22%). Surprisingly, 13% of respondents pledged to pay off their debts, indicating a deeper concern about financial security.

Financial Anxiety Drives Resolutions

The fear over personal finances appears to be a strong driver for these resolutions. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) conducted a study of over 2,200 Americans in early December, highlighting the increased stress caused by financial problems. As they approached 2025, over 58% of respondents reported feeling nervous about their personal finances, which was much greater than the 45% who showed anxiety about their physical condition.

Dr. Marketa M. Wills, APA’s CEO and medical director, stated that the new year brings both new prospects and renewed concerns about important parts of life, such as financial security. This increased financial anxiety appears to be motivating more people to take action by establishing personal finance resolutions.

A Growing Focus on Financial Resolutions.

The APA poll also revealed that 38% of respondents made financial resolutions for 2025, a 4% rise over the previous year. This growth indicates that more people are valuing financial health and actively looking for solutions to better their financial status. In contrast, social and relationship resolutions, as well as diet-related goals, received 25% of the vote, demonstrating that finances are now a top priority for many people as they enter the new year.

The Bottom Line

As we look ahead to 2025, it’s evident that many people are focused on conserving money. Financial stress is creating a shift in priorities, with people focussing more on safeguarding their financial futures than on traditional goals like physical fitness or nutrition. Setting realistic financial objectives for the new year, such as improving budgeting, saving for the future, and paying off debt, will most likely be critical to reducing worry and obtaining greater peace of mind.

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