Metro Bank Customers Can Now Pay Using Android Pay

Metro Bank, the UK’s leading challenger bank, is from today providing its customers with a new way to pay using Android PayTM.
The bank’s on-the-spot account opening and instant credit and debit card issuance mean Metro Bank customers will be able to use Android Pay the moment their account is opened.
Android Pay provides customers with a new and convenient way to make purchases using a compatible AndroidTM device. They can seamlessly and securely tap and pay with their phones at almost 460,000 payment terminals in UK shops or in participating apps.
Paul Riseborough, Chief Commercial Officer at Metro Bank, commented: “Expanding Metro Bank’s mobile payments to include Android Pay is just another example of how we’re helping to improve the banking and payments experience for our customers. We strongly believe customers should be given the choice to bank how, when and where they want and the launch of Android Pay comes on top of our seven-day store opening, 24/7 local contact centres and full mobile and internet banking services.”
Android Pay is easy to set up, customers just need to download and sign-up for the app from the Google Play Store, then add their Metro Bank debit and credit cards.
Payments made with Android Pay use tokenisation technology, which means retailers never have access to a customers’ credit or debit card numbers, but will instead see a virtual account number ensuring the highest levels of security.
For more information about Android Pay, visit