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LivFit: A Comprehensive Wellness Programme by Oman Insurance Company

LivFit - A Comprehensive Wellness Programme by Oman Insurance Company

Poor eating habits, ever-increasing stress at work and a sedentary lifestyle are just some of the issues impacting our health. As per a study done in 2018 by Oman Insurance Company on its healthcare members, 62% of its then insured population were found to be overweight. According to several research reports, it is now understood that lifestyle choices are indeed responsible for many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart attack, among others.

Many of these conditions are preventable with small changes in our daily routine but we all have barriers to overcome: “I don’t have time, I work late, I love burgers, I don’t have the energy to workout”, are just some of the excuses. A change was needed, so one of the UAE’s most experienced insurer stepped in to help people take charge.

LivFit was introduced as a comprehensive wellness programme designed to inspire customers and the community at large to overcome wellness obstacles and make lasting lifestyle changes. The one-of-its-kind initiative has helped Oman Insurance connect with their customers better and advise them on matters concerning health and well-being. The programme provides support in various areas such as physical activity, nutrition, weight loss, tobacco cessation and stress management. It is a comprehensive wellness programme that helps insured members make positive lifestyle choices to improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

Exclusively designed for Oman Insurance Company’s healthcare members, LivFit empowers them to take charge to live a healthier and happier life.

Key benefits

  • A comprehensive solution to encourage employees to know more about their health, get inspired to change and take charge of their wellbeing.
  • A free wellness programme for the insured organisation. No fine print. No hidden charges.
  • The insured organisation just needs to communicate and promote the programme internally, and Oman Insurance will take care of the rest.
  • Easy to access – all the elements of the programme are centralised on

Wellness Programme at a Glance

LivFit- A Comprehensive Wellness Programme by Oman Insurance Company1

The LivFit journey

Health Report

Anyone can take the first step towards a lasting lifestyle change. A simple health risk assessment tool

is available online at that generates a free, personalised health report indicating underlying or major health issues, if any, along with simple actions to stay healthy.


Unique checkup packages are available at rock bottom prices. Screening for early detection and knowing the health stats can help prevent illnesses before they grow into life-threatening disease. LivFit offers general health checkups and disease-specific checkups for its members through its network of medical clinics and hospitals.

Wellness Coach

LivFit third-party certified coaches are one call away to discuss the health report. They will motivate members to set goals and explain the various lifestyle programs. If more exercise is what a member needs, they will create a specific fitness plan accessible directly from the LivFit App.

Wellness Awareness

Even for those that are not medical insurance members of Oman Insurance, the LivFit website can serve as a library of life-changing information to stay healthy, fit and happy. ‘BuzzFit’ section on the website features a collection of articles based on LivFit’s core programme components; FoodFit, BodyFit, MindFit and HealthFit. As the names suggest, the programme aims to bring about a holistic change in people’s minds, bodies, nutrition and overall health.

Social Engagement

LivFit also engages the community through its Facebook and Instagram channels, @MyLivFitSpace. The channels regularly feature seasoned fitness enthusiasts, coaches and roll out weekly exercise regimes to keep their followers healthy and in shape. Additionally, through its Instagram page, LivFit shares the stories of individuals who have overcome hardships and turned their lives around with fitness. Its Facebook page features tips on various wellness topics related to body, food, mind and health.

LivFit App

A dedicated LivFit mobile app places all this and more in the palm of the customer’s hand. With an ease-to-use interface the LivFit mobile app allows customers to explore a wide range of functions. Some of the features have been listed below:

  • Track their fitness level
  • Get inspired by other members in the programme
  • Enjoy free group classes
  • Participate in self-improvement workshops
  • Get discounts at partner gyms and retail outlets

Partner Offers

LivFit has partnered with various hospitals, pharmacies, and third parties to offer discounts on a complete range of health and wellness solutions including medical consultations, alternative medicine, checkups, fitness equipment, medications, and personal care products.

Tobacco Cessation

Smoking tobacco is a leading cause of heart diseases, chronic bronchitis, and cancer. Despite knowing that cigarettes contain more than 250 harmful chemicals like tar, arsenic, nicotine, ammonia and butane, people still puff around. With a quick nicotine dependency test, followed by doctor consultation, LivFit encourages people to give up the habit.

LivFit Live

Due to the Covid-19 movement restrictions, people could not go to the gym, so the LivFit team brought the gym to their homes. As part of the wellness programme, a 30-minutes live workout session is streamed on the social pages for insured members and the general public, free of cost.

Over the years, several corporate challenges have also been arranged by LivFit’s corporate health and wellness team to promote physical activity, healthy behaviour, inter-competition that keeps the participants motivated.


Considering the current Covid-19 situation, LivFit organises webinars for members on numerous topics related to stress, lifestyle management and more. It is a complimentary session organized on demand from clients.

LivFit- A Comprehensive Wellness Programme by Oman Insurance Company

With LivFit, members can be assured of being motivated to take steps towards a healthy lifestyle. It’s time to take charge. Are you ready?

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