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List of Commercial banks in Moldova


Moldova’s banking sector is a crucial component of the country’s economic framework, significantly contributing to its development and growth. Established as a two-tier system in 1991, the sector has undergone substantial evolution. It now includes the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) as the central institution, along with 11 commercial banks.

Role of the Moldova Banking Sector

Moldova’s banking sector plays a multifaceted and pivotal role in the nation’s economic landscape. Following a 2014-2015 crisis, the sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience and recovery with international assistance. It effectively blends traditional banking services like savings accounts and loans with modern digitalization efforts, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of its clientele. The presence of foreign banks encourages competition and innovation, enhancing the overall quality of services. Central to this framework is the National Bank of Moldova, which maintains stability, fosters trust, and ensures compliance with international banking standards. This commitment to regulatory excellence not only attracts foreign investment and partnerships but also reinforces the sector’s credibility. Moreover, ongoing reforms aim to improve transparency and reduce corruption, further fortifying the financial system. While challenges such as cybersecurity threats and limited access to credit persist, the sector’s focus on technology and financial inclusion initiatives is crucial. This strategic focus positions Moldova’s banking sector as a significant driver of the country’s future economic growth and broader socio-economic development.

Bank Name Headquarters Bank Sector Bank Revenue(MDL) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact details
Moldova Agroindbank Chișinău Commercial Bank 65 million 3.686 million  +373 222-689-99
Moldindconbank Chișinău Commercial Bank 3.4 billion 0.192billion  +373 22 227 010
Victoriabank Chișinău Commercial Bank 63.4 million 3.595 million +373 30 303 530
Mobiasbanca – OTP Group Chișinău Commercial Bank 566 million 32.096million +373 22 256 456
Eximbank Chișinău Commercial Bank 110.9 billion 6.288billion +373 22 600 000
EuroCreditBank Chișinău Commercial Bank 3.4 billion 0.192billion  +373 22 500 101
FinComBank Chișinău Commercial Bank  1.3 billion 0.073billion  +373 22 269 999
ProCredit Bank Chișinău Commercial Bank 28.4 million 1.61million +373 22 27 07 07
UniBank Chișinău Commercial Bank 538.5 billion 30.536billion +373 22 253 801
Agroindustrial Bank Chișinău Commercial BanK 1.25 billion 2.906billion +373 22 290400

Moldova’s banking sector thrives despite challenges. Strong fundamentals and innovation position it for growth and development, but cybersecurity and credit access need focus.

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