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List of Commercial banks in Libya


Libya, located in North Africa, possesses a banking sector that has undergone significant changes in recent years amidst political unrest and economic challenges. Historically, Libya’s banking sector was dominated by state-owned institutions; however, in the aftermath of the 2011 revolution and the subsequent civil conflict, the sector has faced considerable disruptions and restructuring efforts.

Libya’s banking sector is grappling with the aftermath of prolonged political turmoil.

Formerly a centralized state-dominated system, the sector has undergone significant transformation since the 2011 revolution. Now a mix of state-owned, private, and foreign banks, it faces a complex landscape marked by political instability, security risks, and a lack of public trust. Key challenges include governance issues, limited transparency, and a fragile regulatory environment. Despite these hurdles, the sector holds substantial growth potential, underpinned by Libya’s vast oil reserves and strategic geographic location. To realize this potential, concerted efforts to stabilize the political climate, bolster regulatory frameworks, and foster investor confidence are essential.

Bank Name Sector Headquarters Bank Revenue(LYD) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Central Bank of Libya (CBL) State-owned Tripoli, Libya  78.2 billion  16.30 billion +218 21 333 3591
National Commercial Bank (NCB) State-owned Benghazi, Libya 5 million  1.04 million +218 213612267
Sahara Bank Private Tripoli, Libya 2 million  0.41 million +218 21 334 0067
Wahda Bank Private Tripoli, Libya 86.4 billion  18.02 billion +218 61 2224256
United Bank for Commerce & Investment (UBCI) Private Benghazi, Libya 62.8 billion  13.10 billion +218 919897334

Libya’s banking sector is undergoing a challenging transformation. While burdened by the legacy of political instability and economic hardships, the sector demonstrates resilience and potential. Through strategic reforms and sustained investments, Libya can foster a stable and inclusive banking system that contributes to the nation’s economic recovery and prosperity.

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