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List of Commercial banks in Kyrgyzstan


The banking sector in Kyrgyzstan is pivotal in bolstering the nation’s economy through the provision of essential financial services, facilitating capital flows, and fostering economic development. Over the years, it has undergone substantial reforms to improve its stability, efficiency, and competitiveness, ensuring a robust foundation for sustainable growth.

Evolution and Opportunities in Kyrgyzstan’s Banking Sector

Since gaining independence in 1991, Kyrgyzstan has liberalized its banking sector, transitioning to a market-oriented system with private banks and modern practices. The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (NBKR) regulates the sector, maintaining stability, supervising institutions, and combating financial crime. The sector, comprising domestic and foreign banks, offers diverse services and is vital for businesses, households, and the government. Recent reforms have increased competition, efficiency, and financial inclusion. Despite challenges like regulatory oversight and economic vulnerabilities, there are growth opportunities in rural finance, digitalization, and foreign investment.

Bank Name Sector Headquarters Bank Revenue(KGS) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Central Bank Bishkek 29.8 Billion 0.336Billion +996 312 669 011
Demir Kyrgyz International Bank Commercial Bishkek 16.1Million 0.181Million +996 312610610
Optima Bank Commercial Bishkek 103million 1.161Million +996 312905858
Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank Commercial Bishkek 112.6 Million 1.269Million  +996 312 620 101
Bai-Tushum Bank Commercial Bishkek 8.1 Million 0.091Million +996 312905805
Kyrgyzstan Bank Commercial Bishkek 12 billion 0.135billion  +996 312 613333


Kyrgyzstan’s banking sector is steadily evolving in response to domestic and global economic dynamics, regulatory reforms, and technological advancements. With a robust regulatory framework, effective risk management practices, and a focus on financial stability, the sector is well-equipped to support the country’s economic development and integration into the global financial system.

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