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List of Commercial banks in Kazakhstan


Kazakhstan’s banking sector stands as a pivotal cornerstone of the nation’s economic infrastructure, facilitating financial intermediation, fostering investment, and supporting economic growth. With a history of significant reforms and modernization efforts, Kazakhstan’s banking system has evolved to align with international standards while addressing domestic challenges and opportunities.

Overview of Kazakhstan’s Banking Sector

Kazakhstan’s banking sector is diverse, encompassing commercial banks, investment banks, and specialized financial organizations all under the oversight of the National Bank of Kazakhstan for stability. It includes both domestic and foreign-owned banks providing competitive retail and corporate banking services. Regulatory frameworks have been reinforced to enhance transparency and governance, aiming to stabilize finances and bolster investor confidence. Challenges such as non-performing loans and technological adaptation persist, but the sector sees opportunities for growth through digital advancements, financial inclusion initiatives, and regional integration efforts.

Bank Name Sector Headquarters City Bank Revenue(KZT) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Halyk Bank Commercial Bank Almaty 3.8Billion 0.0084 Billion +7 727 330 10 66
Kaspi Bank Commercial Bank Almaty 1. 9 trillion 0.0022 trillion +7 7272 58 59 65
Bank CenterCredit (BKK) Commercial Bank Almaty  7 billion. 0.0155billion +727 244 30 30
ForteBank Commercial Bank Almaty 5.2 Million 0.0115 million +7 7172 59 99 99
Nurbank Commercial Bank Almaty 84.2 Million 0.1874million +7 7272500000
Freedom Finance Bank Commercial Bank Almaty 419 million 0.9329 million +727 2595 595

Despite recent challenges, Kazakhstan’s banking sector shows potential for future growth. By addressing issues like high household debt and fostering a more competitive lending environment, the sector can effectively support the nation’s economic ambitions.

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