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List of Commercial banks in Haiti


Haiti’s banking sector is fundamental to the country’s economic infrastructure, playing a crucial role in financial intermediation, capital allocation, and fostering economic development. Despite grappling with challenges such as political instability and natural disasters, Haiti’s banks remain pivotal in driving economic activity and promoting stability.

Haiti’s Banking Sector: A Lifeline for Development

Though limited by political instability and uneven access, Haiti’s commercial banks are a critical lifeline. They offer a variety of financial services, from personal accounts and loans to currency exchange and investment options. The Central Bank, Banque de la République d’Haïti (BRH), guides the sector, ensuring stability and setting monetary policy. Major players like BNC, BUH, Unibank, Sogebank, and BIC hold sway, primarily concentrated in urban areas. Despite these limitations, the banking sector is innovating. By promoting financial inclusion, strengthening regulations, and adopting new financial technologies (fintech), it aims to be a driving force behind Haiti’s economic development.

Bank Name Sector Headquarters Bank Revenue (HTG) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Banque Nationale de Crédit (BNC) Commercial Banking Port-au-Prince 5 Million 0.037Million +509 28140365
Banque de l’Union Haïtienne (BUH) Commercial Banking Port-au-Prince 15.1 Million 0.113Million +509 2940 1212
Unibank Commercial Banking Port-au-Prince 4.28Billion 0.032Billion  +509 2940 1212
Sogebank Commercial Banking Port-au-Prince  25.1 Billion 0.189Billion +509 2940 1212
Banque de l’Industrie et du Commerce (BIC) Commercial Banking Port-au-Prince 13.8billion 0.103billion :+509 2940 1212


In conclusion, Haiti’s banking sector plays a crucial role in the country’s economic landscape, providing essential financial services and driving economic development. Despite facing challenges, the sector remains resilient and adaptable, with ongoing efforts to promote financial inclusion and innovation. With continued support and investment, Haiti’s banking sector is poised to contribute significantly to the country’s future prosperity.

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