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List of Commercial banks in Cuba


Cuba’s banking sector has long been characterized by strict state control and dominance. After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the government nationalized all banks, establishing a centralized banking system. The Central Bank of Cuba (Banco Central de Cuba) functions as the primary monetary authority, responsible for overseeing monetary policy, issuing currency, and regulating financial institutions across the country.

Transformations and Challenges in Cuba’s Banking Sector

Foreign banks have a limited presence in Cuba’s banking sector due to stringent government regulations. Nonetheless, recent initiatives have sought to attract foreign investment and foster collaboration, particularly in banking and finance. Cuba has been gradually implementing economic reforms aimed at modernizing its banking sector and enhancing efficiency. These reforms include allowing limited private enterprise, encouraging foreign investment, and adopting market-oriented policies. Despite these efforts, the sector continues to face challenges such as outdated infrastructure, restricted access to financing, and constraints from the U.S. embargo. The government remains committed to prioritizing the development and stability of the banking sector as part of its broader economic strategy. Cuba’s banking system comprises various state-owned institutions, including commercial banks, savings banks, and specialized banks, all operating under the Central Bank’s guidance and supervision.

Bank Name Sector Headquarters Bank Revenue(CUP) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Banco de Crédito y Comercio (BANDEC) Retail Havana, Cuba 4.5 billion 0.187billion +53 7 8620442
Banco Popular de Ahorro (BPA) Retail Havana, Cuba 94.6 million 3.948million +53 7 202 2545
Banco Financiero Internacional (BFI) Retail Havana, Cuba 57.2 million 2.387million +53 7 2042058
Banco Internacional de Comercio S.A. (BICSA) Retail Havana, Cuba 30 million 1.251million +53 7 2041570
Banco Metropolitano S.A. Retail Havana, Cuba 2.9 billion 0.12billion +53 7 8683535


Cuba’s banking sector has long been under strict state control, with the government nationalizing all banks after the 1959 revolution. The Central Bank of Cuba plays a central role in overseeing monetary policy and regulating financial institutions. The banking system comprises state-owned entities, each with distinct roles, although foreign involvement remains restricted due to government policies.

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