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List of Commercial banks in Croatia


Croatia’s banking sector plays a pivotal role in the country’s economy, offering a wide array of financial services to individuals, businesses, and government entities. As a member of the European Union (EU) and a transitioning economy, Croatia’s banking system has undergone significant reforms to align with international standards and promote financial stability.

Overview of Croatia’s Banking Sector

The Croatian banking sector, comprising both domestic and foreign banks, fosters innovation and efficiency through a competitive landscape. Dominated by commercial banks, it provides services like savings and current accounts, loans, mortgages, and investment products. Development banks such as Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvoj d.d. (HBOR) finance projects contributing to economic development. The Croatian National Bank (HNB) oversees regulation, ensuring stability, transparency, consumer protection, and fair competition. Significant growth and modernization, driven by technological advancements and European integration, highlight the sector’s role in Croatia’s ongoing economic development.

Bank Name Bank Sector Headquarters (City, Croatia) Bank Revenue(HRK) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Addiko Bank d.d. Commercial Zagreb 265.10million 37.46million +385 800 14 14
Alpha Bank d.d. Commercial Zagreb 780million 110.24million  +385 72 101 102
Čakovečka banka d.d. Commercial Čakovec 241milion 34.06million  +385 800 78 90
Credit Agricole Croatia d.d. Commercial Zagreb 1.4 billion 0.197billion  +385 1 4811066
Dinar d.d. Commercial Zagreb 13.3 billion 1.879billion +385 21 30 30 30.
Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d. Commercial Zagreb 219 million 219 million  +385 72 375 868
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d. Commercial Zagreb 35.6 million 5.031million +385 1 6103666.
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. Commercial Zagreb  397 million 56.11million +385 1 4552 227
Komercijalna banka d.d. Commercial Zagreb 1.2 billion 0.169billion +386 14763900
Ljubljanska banka Zagreb d.d. Commercial Zagreb 1.16billion 0.163billion +385 1 4811066,
OTP banka d.d. Commercial Zagreb 86.7 Million 12.25million +385 72201555
Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. Commercial Zagreb 9.87 billion 1.395billion +385 21 521 100
Sberbank d.d. Commercial Zagreb 16.3 billion 2.304billion +385 1 2362 700
Splitska banka d.d. Commercial Split  83.6 million 11.81million +385 21 304 304,
TPB Commercial Zagreb 1.4 billion 0.197billion +385 1 61 06 100
Zagrebačka banka d.d. Commercial Zagreb 973.3million 137.59million +385 1 4808 222

In conclusion, Croatia’s banking sector stands as a cornerstone of its economic framework, providing essential financial services to individuals, businesses, and government entities. Through a mix of domestic and foreign banks, the sector offers a diverse range of services, catering to the evolving needs of its clientele.

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