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List of Commercial bank in Yemen


The banking sector in Yemen is crucial to the country’s economy, acting as a key pillar for financial intermediation, investment, and economic development. Located in the southern Arabian Peninsula, Yemen’s banking industry faces unique challenges due to geopolitical complexities and internal conflicts. Despite these obstacles, Yemeni banks continue to provide essential services.

Resilience and Innovation in Yemen’s Banking Sector

Yemen’s banking sector, comprising domestic and foreign banks and non-bank financial institutions, offers a range of financial products and services to meet the population’s diverse needs, including savings accounts, loans, remittances, trade finance, foreign exchange, and investment banking. Regulated by the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY), the sector faces significant challenges due to the ongoing conflict, which disrupts regulatory enforcement and operational capabilities. Despite these obstacles, efforts to adopt technological advancements like digital banking platforms, mobile payments, and fintech innovations have improved access to financial services, particularly in urban areas. While political instability, security risks, and economic uncertainty pose ongoing challenges, there are opportunities for the banking sector to support reconstruction, economic recovery, and financial inclusion once stability is achieved.

Bank Name Bank Sector Headquarters Location Bank Revenue(YER) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Yemen Commercial Bank Commercial Sana’a 593.1 billion 2.36 billion +967 2 396 370
Bank of Yemen and Bahrain Commercial Aden 552million 2.2 million +967 1 538 383
Arab Bank Yemen Commercial Aden 829.6 million 3.31 million +967 02 242099

Yemen’s banking sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges posed by the protracted conflict. Despite operating in a highly volatile environment, the sector has remained a crucial pillar of the economy, providing essential financial services to individuals and businesses. While the road to recovery is fraught with obstacles, the banking sector, with appropriate support, holds the potential to play a pivotal role in Yemen’s reconstruction and economic resurgence once peace is achieved.

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