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List of Commercial bank in Gambia


The Gambia’s banking sector is crucial for economic development and financial stability in West Africa. With a diverse array of institutions and a strong focus on promoting financial inclusion, the sector is instrumental in driving growth and prosperity throughout the country.

The Gambia’s Banking Sector: Evolution, Innovation, and Inclusive Growth

The Gambia’s banking sector, rooted in its colonial legacy and established with the Central Bank in 1971, has evolved alongside the nation’s economic goals. Comprising commercial banks, microfinance institutions, and development banks, the sector offers a diverse range of financial services to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. A key focus on financial inclusion has led to initiatives that reach underserved communities through mobile and agent banking. Embracing innovation, the sector is adopting fintech solutions and digital platforms to enhance accessibility and efficiency. The Central Bank’s robust regulatory framework ensures stability and confidence in the financial system. Additionally, efforts to strengthen corporate governance and risk management practices are underway, enhancing the sector’s resilience. Looking ahead, The Gambia’s banking sector is poised to drive sustainable development and economic prosperity, fostering innovation, expanding access to financial services, and playing a critical role in integrating the country into the regional and global financial systems.

Bank Name Bank Sector Headquarters Bank Revenue(GMD) Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Access Bank Gambia Private (regional) Serra Kunda 88 billion 1.29billion +220 6611 996.
Arab Gambia Islamic Bank (AGIB) Private Serra Kunda 4 million 0.058million    +220 422 8405
Bank PHB Gambia Private Serra Kunda 27.10 billion 0.397billion +220 4399612
Banque Sahélo-Saharienne pour l’Investissement et le Commerce (BSIC) Regional Niamey (Niger) 5.6 Million 0.082million  +218 21 484 21 50
Ecobank Gambia Private (regional) Serra Kunda 1.9billion 0.027billion +220 439 9031
First International Bank Gambia Private Serra Kunda S 455 million 6.7million +220 4396584 / 4396580
Trust Bank Limited (Gambia) Private Brikama 13.2billion 0.19billion    220-4225777

The Gambia’s banking sector has grown steadily over time. It’s now a strong and diverse part of the country’s economy, helping to drive growth and stability.

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