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List of Commercial bank in Angola


The banking sector in Angola stands as a vital cornerstone of the nation’s economic framework, playing a crucial role in facilitating financial intermediation, supporting investment activities, and driving economic growth. With a complex history marked by periods of rapid expansion and regulatory reforms, Angola’s banking landscape reflects

Angola’s Banking Sector: A Landscape of Innovation and Growth

Angola’s banking sector, comprised of a diverse mix of domestic, foreign, and state-owned institutions, offers a wide range of financial services that foster competition, innovation, and consumer choice. Recent regulatory reforms aimed at enhancing transparency, stability, and efficiency have strengthened the sector, aligning it with international best practices and boosting investor confidence. The sector is increasingly embracing digitalization and innovation, with banks adopting mobile banking, online payment systems, and digital lending platforms to enhance customer experience and financial inclusion. Despite challenges such as economic volatility and regulatory complexities, the sector has significant opportunities for growth and development, contributing to Angola’s broader economic agenda.

Bank Name Bank Sector Headquarters Bank Revenue ( AOA) Bank Revenue (USD) Contact Details
Banco de Desenvolvimento de Angola (BDA)  Public Luanda 17.5 billion  0.019 billion +244 222 64 28 00
Banco Nacional de Angola (BNA)   Central Luanda 13.46 billion 0.015billion +244 222 33 21 11
Banco Angolano de Investimentos (BAI)   Private Luanda 353.3 Million  0.398million +244 222 33 19 00
Banco Internacional de Crédito (BIC)  Private Luanda 35.7billion  0.040billion +244 222 31 77 00
Banco de Comércio e Indústria (BCI)  Private Luanda 5,641,726.00. million 6,363.3million +244 222 39 00 00
Banco Millennium Angola  Private Luanda 1.8 billion 0.0020 billion +244 222 32 90 00
Standard Bank Angola  Private Luanda 21. 2 billion,  0.023billion +244 222 62 66 00
Banco Privado Atlântico (BPA)  Private Luanda 423.2millon  0.477million +244 222 32 30 00
Banco de Fomento Angola (BFA)  Private Luanda  83.1 billion  0.09 billion +244 222 33 50 00
Banco Valor  Private Luanda 2.503 billion  0.0028billion +244 222 39 13 00
Banco Africano de Investimentos (BAI Europa)  Private Lisbon, Portugal 40 billion  0.047billion +351 21 795 16 00

Angola’s banking sector is diverse, competitive, and growing. Reforms and digitalization are improving services and reaching more people. While challenges remain, the sector is well-positioned to support Angola’s economic development.

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