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List of Commercial bank in Algeria


Algeria’s banking sector is a cornerstone of the nation’s economy, playing a crucial role in financial stability, growth, and prosperity. With a history closely linked to Algeria’s economic development, the sector has become a key player, offering a broad range of financial services and significantly contributing to the country’s overall progress.

Navigating Transformation and Resilience in Algeria’s Banking Sector

Algeria’s banking sector, characterized by a diverse array of institutions including public, private, and foreign banks, forms a dynamic and evolving financial ecosystem. Key players like Banque Extérieure d’Algérie (BEA) and Banque Nationale d’Algérie (BNA) are instrumental in providing stability, supporting government initiatives, and promoting financial inclusion. Recent reforms have enhanced efficiency, transparency, and competitiveness, ushering in an era of innovation and modernization with a focus on digitalization and technology-driven solutions. Despite challenges such as regulatory constraints and economic fluctuations, the sector demonstrates resilience and growth potential. As Algeria pursues its economic goals, the banking sector remains a critical enabler, channeling resources to productive sectors and fostering innovation, thereby supporting the nation’s progress towards a prosperous future.

Bank   Sector Headquarters Bank   

Revenue( DZD)

Bank Revenue(USD) Contact Details
Public Algiers 2.8 million 0.0208 million + +213 21 43 99 98.
Public Algiers 738 million 5.484million +(023) 44 77 44
Public Algiers 718.5 million 5.339million +213 21635705
Public Algiers 444.1 million 3.3 million +213-23-36-60-07 …
Islamic Algiers 3.08 million 0.0228million +213 23 38 12 87
International Algiers 257.7milliom 1.87million  +(213) (0) 23 56 95 23
Foreign Algiers 1.2 billion 0.0089billion +213 23 92 43 43
Foreign Algiers 900million 6.687million +(202) 473-7711
Foreign Algiers 78.5 billion 0.583billion +213 21 96 39 00
Foreign Algiers 3.6billion 0.026billion +213 21 60 86 64
Foreign Algiers 11.232 billion 0.0834billion +213 21 64 24 92
Private Algiers 3 million 0.022million  +213 21 36 27 59
Private Algiers 71.2 million 0.529million  +213 21 68 78 74
Private Algiers 376.95 million 2.8million +213 21918881
Private Algiers  537.11 million 3.99million +213 23 30 45 87

Algeria’s banking sector is a cornerstone of economic progress, demonstrating adaptability to challenges, a commitment to innovation, and enduring resilience. With its diverse institutional landscape and focus on reform and modernization, the sector is well-equipped to navigate complexities and make significant contributions to the nation’s ongoing growth and prosperity.

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