List of Banks in Brazil

This is a partial list of Banks in Brazil. If you have any suggestions/additions/changes please email us at
Please note that we appreciate that users do not post anonymously. Global Brands Magazine does not subscribe to the authenticity of the data below though efforts have been made to collect the data as accurately as possible. Please use the data as only a source of reference.
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Below is the List of Banks in Brazil
Rank | Bank |
1 | Banco do Brasil |
2 | Itau Unibanco |
3 | Bradesco |
4 | Brazilian Development Bank |
5 | Caixa Economica Federal |
6 | Santander |
7 | HSBC |
8 | Votorantim |
9 | Safra |
10 | Citibank |
11 | BTG Pactual |
12 | Banrisul |
13 | Deutsche Bank |
14 | Credit Suisse |
15 | JP Morgan Chase |
16 | BNB |
17 | BNP Paribas |
18 | BIC |
19 | BMG |
20 | Bansicredi |
21 | Societe Generale |
22 | Bancoob |
23 | Alfa |
24 | Panamericano |
25 | ABC Brasil |
26 | Daycoval |
27 | Fibra |
28 | Mercantil do Brasil |
29 | Banestes |
30 | Rabobank |
31 | Pine |
32 | Cruzeiro do Sul |
33 | BASA |
34 | BRB |
35 | BRDE |
36 | Banco GMAC |
37 | Barclays |
38 | BES |
39 | Merrill Lynch |
40 | BVA |
41 | Sofisa |
42 | Fidis |
43 | Rural |
44 | Classico |
45 | Lage Landen |
46 | BTMUB |
47 | Indusval |
48 | Morgan Stanley |
49 | CNH Capital |
50 | BBM |
51 | WestLB |
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