“Digital humans” represent an intriguing intersection of technology, creativity and humanity which continues to expand with our world’s digitization. Their creation was enabled thanks to advances...
Waste is the enemy of any construction project. Waste can slow down the project, cost money, and be difficult to manage, remove and dispose of properly....
In an increasingly competitive business landscape, achieving operational efficiency is more crucial than ever. Adopting lean methodologies can transform a cluttered workflow into a streamlined powerhouse,...
West and Central Africa’s largest airline, Air Peace, has launched direct, nonstop daily flight operations to London Gatwick. The foremost airline commenced its London service on Saturday,...
Samsung Electronics unveils premium kitchen and lifestyle innovations at EuroCucina 2024, focusing on connectivity and built-in products. Showcasing enhanced connectivity across appliances and three new built-in...
FBS, a leading global broker, introduces its revamped mobile trading application – the FBS app. The upgraded solution is available for Android and iOS users, providing...
NUS-led study uncovers a link between a chemical produced from glucose breakdown, methylglyoxal, and heightened cancer risk associated with poor diet or conditions like diabetes. Findings...
Norway’s banking sector is a fundamental component of the country’s financial infrastructure, supporting economic growth, stability, and prosperity. With a history deeply intertwined with the nation’s...
Protecting your hard-earned money has never been more critical in today’s digital era, when scammers are constantly finding new ways to steal it and leave you...
The Maldives’ banking sector plays a crucial role in the archipelago nation’s economic landscape, facilitating financial intermediation, investment, and economic growth. With a diverse range of...