WhatsApp has introduced screen sharing with audio, a new speaker spotlight feature, and expanded video call participant limits to 32 across all devices. The updates also...
Liberia’s banking sector plays a key role in the country’s economic development, serving as a conduit for financial services, investment, and monetary regulation. The Central Bank...
ExerRing is a new smart ring on Kickstarter that uses AI and deep learning to track health metrics like heart rate, stress levels, body temperature, and...
Lebanon’s banking sector has historically been a key pillar of the country’s economy, known for its robust financial institutions and relatively high levels of deposits. Despite...
The copy trading market is set to expand from $2.2 billion to $4 billion by the end of this decade, according to The Insight Partners. This...
Arctic Wolf Labs uncovers “Fog” ransomware, targeting US education and recreation sectors, exploiting compromised VPN credentials and employing sophisticated encryption techniques. Fog ransomware demands large ransom...
Biometric and facial recognition technologies offer user-friendly and secure alternatives to traditional password-based authentication methods, revolutionizing security in the digital age while requiring careful consideration of...
Mastercard plans to enhance online payments by 2030 with one-click buttons and tokenization to simplify and secure eCommerce, aiming to match the convenience of in-store card...
Hyundai Mobis unveiled M.VICS 5.0, a next-gen digital cockpit system with biometric analysis and adaptive display technologies for an integrated driving experience. VICS 5.0 features a...
The Bahamas has a well-established and highly regarded banking sector, recognized as a global financial hub. With a strong regulatory framework and a favorable tax environment,...