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Kratom For Chronic Back Pain: An Alternative Relief?

Chronic Back Pain

Pain relief is one of the common reasons people take kratom. Finding the best kratom strain for back pain relief is subjective; not all kratom strains known as the best are suitable for you. Therefore, finding the most suitable kratom strains for your health and lifestyle can be tricky.

In this article, we introduce some points concerning choosing kratom strains, ideal strains for back pain, and other potential advantages.

Chronic back pain in adults

Back pain can be mild or severe, and people feel physical pain in different areas. Some aches are recurring and extend for a long period. Although mild aches occur more frequently, chronic pain affects a large population, especially the elderly.

According to the CDC, over 20 percent of adults in the United States suffer from chronic back pain. Green hulu kapuas serve as an alternative to conventional pain medication, and many people prefer kratom due to its organic content. The Southeast Asian tribes commonly use kratom in traditional medicine as a pain reliever. Although nearly all kratom strains have pain-relieving potential, some are more effective in providing pain relief than others.

Best kratom strains for chronic back pain

Here are some of the most potent pain-relieving kratom strains you can choose from:

Red Vein Bali – This kratom strain is one of the most popular herbs for back pain relief. It has a robust and unique smell and is perhaps the most potent kratom strain. According to consumers of this herb, it can bring a relaxing and soothing effect. Red Bali kratom is rich in alkaloids, including 9-hydroxy corynantheidine, speciogynine, and mitragynine.

Maeng Da Kratom – Also known as Maeng Da Thai Kratom, this kratom strain is commonly used by laborers in Southeast Asian communities to relieve backache and joint pain. It can also provide energy for physical exertion. Maeng Da is a relatively high-maintenance plant, as its quality depends on how much care it receives during cultivation.

Red Borneo – Red Borneo kratom strains can produce euphoric effects upon consumption. However, they are not associated with drowsiness or a lack of focus. Red Borneo is usually more affordable than other kratom strains and is popular in the US. It can also be effective for relieving pain and improving moods. Red Borneo can be highly potent; beginners should only take small doses of the herb.

How to choose a suitable kratom strain for pain relief

Although kratom strains work for different health needs, they are similar in many ways. Knowing how to choose a suitable kratom strain for pain relief can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and a decent work-life balance. Here are factors to consider when choosing the right kratom strain for pain relief:

1. The amount of pain you are in

Kratom strains with a reputation for providing pain relief are usually best for relieving chronic pain. Thus, other kratom strains with lesser pain-relieving properties can be used for pain relief, albeit mild pain. If the pain you are feeling is benign, most kratom strains can relieve your pain. However, if you are going through severe pain, you may dig deeper into more specific kratom strains for pain relief.


Source: Unsplash

2. Other medical issues you may have

Before you buy kratom for pain relief, consider your health condition. People with certain health conditions are usually on medication to manage their health. Consuming kratom while on other medications can be dangerous to health. Therefore, if you are taking medication for an illness, you may need to see your doctor or caregiver for advice on taking kratom while you are on other medicines.”

3. Buying from a regulated kratom merchant

The kratom business is a relatively young industry with limited regulations due to its legal status in many regions. Yet, there are non-governmental organizations devoted to regulating the kratom industry.

Regulating the kratom business also makes kratom merchants accountable for their products. In the United States, the American Kratom Association (AKA) is the premier regulatory body for the kratom industry. The AKA has guidelines for kratom merchants to ensure they run their business by the law.

4. Your lifestyle

Due to the different ways the effects of kratom can kick in, consider your lifestyle before choosing one for back pain relief. Some kratom strains have more sedative effects than others, while some can cause drowsiness. The way you schedule your routine, your working hours, and the nature of your profession is vital to choosing a suitable kratom strain for pain relief.


Source: Unsplash

For instance, if you are a bus driver, you want to avoid kratom strains that cause drowsiness, especially during the day. Likewise, if you are an athlete or have an active lifestyle, you may need to be careful of kratom strains with high sedative properties.

Other Benefits of Using Kratom

Kratom is a plant that offers pe­ople tons of bene­fits. Now legal, kratom works as a health suppleme­nt. Understanding and using these advantage­s allows people to add le­gal kratom to their wellness habits. This improve­s their overall well-be­ing and life quality. Here’s a look at some potential benefits:

1. Mood Enhancement and Stress Relief

Living today can fe­e­l stressful. Many people fe­el anxious or worried often. Kratom, a le­gal substance, could help make you fe­el calm and happy.

Kratom may help people struggling with mood issue­s like depression or anxie­ty. But you must be careful with kratom. Don’t take too much, or you could be­come depende­nt. Too much may also cause bad side effe­cts.

2. Increased Energy and Focus

Kratom has calming effe­cts. It may also help people fe­el more awake. Some­ kratom types, like Maeng Da or green hulu kapuas, may give you more e­nergy. People say the­y can focus better too. This makes kratom popular for stude­nts and workers who want to do more without using caffeine­ or prescription drugs.

3. Management of Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

While kratom has demonstrated promise­ in easing opioid withdrawal, it’s not a cure-all solution, and its use should be­ approached with caution. The substance can pose­ risks if not taken under medical supe­rvision, and it’s essential to follow a comprehe­nsive treatment plan tailore­d to individual needs.

In the end!

Although still not an approved supplement, kratom users attest to the many health benefits of the herb. From mood elevation to back pain relief, kratom can improve health in many ways. Consider your lifestyle and health condition, and read product reviews before choosing the ideal kratom strain. Finally, if you are on medication, consult your doctor before taking kratom for pain relief.

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