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Justin Wilmot on Redefining Real Estate Success and Embracing the 10 Hour Deals Lifestyle

Justin Wilmot on Redefining Real Estate Success and Embracing the 10 Hour Deals Lifestyle

Justin Wilmot, a successful real estate investor and educator, has mastered the art of balancing work and play. Known for his passion for surfing and his innovative approach to real estate investing, Justin created the “10 Hour Deals” strategy, a system that allows him to enjoy a lifestyle of freedom while achieving significant success in the real estate market. After leaving the restaurant business, Justin dove into real estate but quickly realized the need for a more efficient way to operate.

Through trial and error, he developed a system that not only made him successful but also gave him the time to do what he loves, spending time on the water. In this interview, Justin Wilmot shares insights into his journey, the challenges he has faced, and how the 10 Hour Deals strategy has shaped his life and business.

What inspired you to create the 10 Hour Deals strategy, and how has it impacted your life?

The inspiration for the 10 Hour Deals strategy came from a desire to create a lifestyle where I wasn’t chained to a desk all day. I’ve always loved surfing, and I wanted a career that would allow me to spend as much time as possible in the water. After years of dealing with the daily grind of marketing, negotiating, and managing contractors, I realized there had to be a more efficient way to succeed in real estate. That’s when I started developing systems to automate much of the process. The impact has been incredible, not only has it allowed me to achieve financial success, but it’s also given me the freedom to live life on my terms.

How does a typical day look for you now that you’ve implemented the 10 Hour Deals strategy?

My day starts around 7 AM, and it’s all about setting a positive tone for the day. I usually begin with a walk along the beach near my house, listening to a self-development audiobook. This morning routine helps me clear my mind and focus on what’s important. After that, I hit the sauna, followed by a cold plunge to wake up my body and mind. Once I’m energized, I dive into work often from my boat, which doubles as a podcast studio. My focus during the day is on inspiring my team and reinforcing our vision. If the surf conditions are good, I’ll take a break for a quick session, which refreshes me for the rest of the day. The 10 Hour Deals strategy has allowed me to blend work and play seamlessly, making every day feel like a getaway.

How do you stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies in real estate?

Staying ahead of the curve in real estate and technology is a passion of mine. I immerse myself in industry trends by reading the latest news in real estate, finance, and tech. I also listen to podcasts and attend conferences where I can learn from industry leaders and innovators. I’m particularly excited about the potential of AI and how it can be used to streamline processes in both my real estate business and my education companies. However, I’m also a firm believer in simplicity, so I make sure that any new technology we implement is easy to use and adds real value to our operations.

Can you share a significant challenge you faced when transitioning from traditional real estate to the 10 Hour Deals model?

The transition from being a traditional fix-and-flip developer to running a nationwide virtual wholesaling operation was one of the most challenging phases of my career. Moving from a hands-on approach to an automated system required a complete overhaul of how I operated. It was tough to let go of the reins and trust in the systems I was building. But I knew it was necessary if I wanted to scale my business and achieve the lifestyle I envisioned. The key was staying committed and embracing the discomfort that comes with change. Today, I can confidently say that making that transition was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

What do you believe sets the 10 Hour Deals strategy apart from other real estate investing methods?

What sets the 10 Hour Deals strategy apart is its focus on efficiency and lifestyle. Traditional real estate investing often requires long hours and constant involvement in every aspect of the deal. With 10 Hour Deals, the emphasis is on creating systems that allow you to automate much of the process, freeing up time for other pursuits. It’s not just about making money; it’s about designing a life where you can do what you love while still achieving financial success. This approach has resonated with many aspiring investors who want to break free from the traditional grind and live a more balanced, fulfilling life.

What advice would you give to someone interested in adopting the 10 Hour Deals approach to real estate investing?

My advice would be to start by getting clear on what you want your life to look like. The 10 Hour Deals strategy is all about aligning your business with your lifestyle goals. Once you have that clarity, start building systems that can automate the repetitive tasks in your business. Don’t be afraid to invest in technology that can help you streamline operations. And most importantly, take action. The biggest mistake you can make is waiting for the perfect moment or trying to learn every detail before you start. The key is to get moving, make adjustments along the way, and stay committed to your vision.

How has the 10 Hour Deals strategy influenced your personal development?

The 10 Hour Deals strategy has been a game-changer for my personal development. By freeing up time and reducing stress, I’ve been able to focus more on growth in all areas of my life—whether it’s health, relationships, or continuous learning. I’m obsessed with personal development and always looking for ways to improve, not just for myself but for my team and family as well. The strategy has allowed me to create a life where work and play are integrated, which has been incredibly fulfilling and has led to growth in ways I never imagined.

Who has had the greatest impact on your career and why?

Hands down, my wife has been the single biggest supporter in both my entrepreneurial journey and personal life. During the early days of wholesaling houses, she stepped up in ways that were crucial to our success. Her belief in our dream and her willingness to take on financial responsibilities when things were tough allowed me to focus entirely on growing our business. Her support and partnership have been invaluable, and I encourage all aspiring entrepreneurs to build a strong support system at home. It makes the journey more enjoyable and significantly increases your chances of success.

What do you think it is that makes you successful in your field?

I believe my success comes down to one key trait: commitment. I’m not the smartest guy in the room, but I’m relentless when it comes to achieving my goals. Whether it’s making cold calls, facing challenges, or pushing through discomfort, I’m all in. Commitment is what separates those who succeed from those who don’t. It’s about taking action, embracing the journey, and staying focused on your vision no matter what obstacles come your way. That’s what has driven my success, and it’s the mindset I encourage others to adopt if they want to achieve big things.

What book do you recommend for aspiring real estate investors, and why?

If I had to recommend one book, it would be Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book is a game-changer because it focuses on mindset and commitment, which are crucial for success in any field, including real estate. The principles in the book are timeless and apply to any area of life where success is the goal. It’s not just about the steps to success; it’s about the mindset behind those steps. Hill’s emphasis on desire, belief, and persistence has shaped the way I approach my life and business, and I believe it can do the same for anyone who takes the time to read and apply its lessons.

Final Thoughts

Thank you, Justin Wilmot, for sharing your insights and experiences. Your commitment to redefining real estate success through the 10 Hour Deals strategy is truly inspiring. We look forward to seeing how you continue to innovate and help others achieve a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment.

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