In 2022, World Pool Revenue Grew by Almost Half from Last Year

Horse racing is a time-honored tradition in all human cultures. Since the most ancient of civilizations, humans have been racing these beasts as both sport and entertainment. So, naturally, it should not come as a shock that the practice still enjoys heavy popularity today. Some of the biggest and most prominent sporting events in the world come to us from the realm of horse racing. Whether that be the Kentucky Derby, the Cheltenham Festival, the Royal Ascot, or the Dubai Derby, horse racing enjoys a huge amount of success in the world of sports.
It is precisely this great success that has propelled the sport as a favorite at the numerous established and new betting apps that are appearing with increasing frequency all over the internet. Today, one of the more successful horse racing organizations is the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Their creation, World Pool, has been a major success, and in the past year has generated an extraordinary £200 million increase in revenue. So, let us take a look at what World Pool is, and how it has grown.
What is World Pool?
World Pool is an invention by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, designed with the intention to help punters from all over the world place bets more easily and efficiently. Created as a collaborative effort between UK Tote and the Hong Kong Jockey Club, World Pool has been accepted by over 20 countries worldwide. The result? A huge network consisting of more than 20 operators, that enables bettors around the globe to place bets into a single pool.
The idea has proven to be worth millions of pounds, as it is growing in popularity almost daily. And of course, we would be remiss not to mention that in 2022, once again, all 35 races included in the Royal Ascot can be viewed, bet on, and followed using World Pool. Speaking of the massive success of this idea, it might shock some of you to hear about exactly how successful World Pool is…
World Pool’s Huge Success
In 2022, it seems that more and more people are developing a genuine curiosity about horse racing, with some of the biggest events being attended by more and more people. But it isn’t just that. Even the local races are seeing a massive boost in attendance and bets placed. So, it probably will not shock anyone to learn that in 2022, the revenue World Pool has generated went from £363 million to £521 million. What is even more impressive is that the year is still not over. Meaning, this number may actually increase by year’s end.
As we said, World Pool brings you all 35 races that are a part of the Royal Ascot. Considering that the Ascot is one of Great Britain’s (and the World’s) most prestigious horse racing events, it shouldn’t be all that surprising that the service is so popular. Still, the increase in revenue is very exciting for many people involved in the business. But, the question remains. Why now?
What Caused the Increase?
The unprecedented success can be attributed to a few things. One we already mentioned. It would seem that an increasing amount of people are developing a genuine interest in horse racing. The reasons for this are numerous. It could be that a younger generation is rediscovering the sport. It could also be a natural development in popular culture. However, what is most likely is that the reason for this surge in popularity has to do with the improvements made in online horse race betting.
So, what do we mean when we talk about these improvements made to betting? Well, for one thing, new and exciting ways to place bets are being added to the sport with increasing frequency. For example, up until very recently, fans could only place a “To Win” or “Place” bet. What this means is that you could either place a wager on a horse to win the race, or place a wager that a certain horse will place 2nd, or 3rd.
However, nowadays, punters can place so many different bets, that it is hard to name them all. Examples include multibets, double bets, treble bets, etc. All of these different types of wagers can be found on different online sportsbooks. However, if you do decide to test your luck, make sure you take the precautions to ensure your online safety. After all, security online is crucial, especially when betting.