How Technologies Help Students to Achieve Academic Success

In the era of globalization, continuing education is an important condition for the dynamic development of society, which must quickly and effectively respond to all the challenges of the 21st century. Both cultural and linguistic competencies are a prerequisite for the economic and technical success of any country.
Teachers use interactive equipment and innovative educational technologies, such as z. The use of modern educational technologies allows teachers to teach students at a qualitatively new level, and students to get great academic achievements.
Teachers should ensure the implementation of the following technologies: a technology of communicative learning, a technology of understanding the communicative meaning, game technologies, learning technologies in collaboration, design technologies, etc. One of the modern means of teaching students can be using podcasting in the learning process. Podcasts are used since 2004 to transmit audio or video broadcasts on the Internet.
The word “podcast” is formed by an iPod and broadcast and means a sound or video file that is distributed free of charge over the Internet for mass listening or viewing.
Educational podcasts devoted to the study of foreign languages, for example, allow solving a number of methodological tasks, including the development listening skills, the formation, and improvement of speaking skills, the expansion and enrichment of lexical vocabulary, the formation and improvement of grammatical skills, writing and verbal skills. Writing skills are essential if students want to get a great job opportunity. Usually, it requires outstanding creative writing and skills in business writing. That is why nowadays a lot of students search for a coursework writing help with papers or mistakes correction. Cutting-edge technologies are vital for every student.
TED video conferences and video blogs are also effective in innovative educational technologies. Thanks to TED conferences, students can develop and improve various skills and general knowledge volumes. The subject of intellectual TED conferences and speeches is extensive, including a wide variety of topics: from science, culture, art, politics and global issues, business or technology to design and entertainment.
TED is Technology Entertainment Design. TED is a private American non-profit foundation known for its annual conferences that have been held since 1984. Technology, entertainment, design were the main topics of the speeches at the first conference held in 1984, which later gave the name to the organization. Today, TED is a global community that invites young people to cooperate in finding a deeper understanding of the world and a desire to change it for the better for people of any kind of activity (from professionals to enthusiasts) representing different cultures.
TED is a high-quality modern educational resource that can be used in practical English classes. In addition, it is suitable for independent work and the study of foreign languages. Video material creates images and causes certain associations that contribute to better perception, assimilation, and memorization of information. In addition, when watching video lectures, the subtitle function is available, which helps users to more fully understand the information. Lecture topics are diverse and relevant. This resource is useful to students not only in teaching foreign languages but also in mastering the skills of speaking to an audience. The use of TED Talks video materials is excellent for analyzing public speeches, reflecting on proposed topics, and improving the skills of public speaking. The site provides tips and advice to experts who help analyze the skills of public speaking.
Lectures allow students to visually demonstrate different versions of speeches to the public, to consider the many ways of presenting information, the ability to build communication with students, to establish contact, enter into a dialogue and get feedback. In addition, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the presentations of speakers, which inspires students to develop a unique strategy for speaking to an audience and an individual style of communication with their listeners. In addition, photos and video presentations and materials are shown and constantly displayed on the website as an example.
Students use this resource both in everyday life and in preparation for classes. Students have the opportunity to choose lectures and speeches on the lessons that have been taken, to obtain additional information and learn about the latest discoveries and trends on their topic of interest. Therefore, students not only practice foreign languages but also expand their professional knowledge and skills in a particular area.
Academic blogs, along with podcasts, mobile apps, and TED Talks, have become an important component in teaching students foreign languages. Thus, educational Internet resources and modern technologies can contribute to the formation of excellent specialists and help students in achieving new academic peaks.