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How Local Governments in the US Can Increase Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety

Nowadays, when traffic accidents happen on a daily basis, we mostly focus on protecting drivers and ensuring their safety. However, we forget about those who often end up as collateral damage—pedestrians.

Pedestrian safety is a crucial public concern in the United States, where thousands of pedestrians are injured or killed in traffic-related incidents each year. As urbanization continues to expand and more people choose walking as a mode of transportation for health, environmental, and economic reasons, ensuring safe pedestrian pathways becomes essential. 

But, still many fail to take the issue seriously. Local governments keep focusing too much on initiatives and public awareness campaigns without taking specific action themselves. Of course, public awareness campaigns are important but it’s also important that pedestrians have safe infrastructure to roam about safely. 

Local governments play a critical role in implementing measures that protect pedestrians and reduce accidents. Therefore, it’s not only important to take action but to also understand why accidents happen. In the next lines, we’ll shed some light on pedestrian safety and take a look at what can be done to make sure pedestrians aren’t collateral damage anymore. 

Pedestrians as the most common victims of traffic accidents

In 2022, there were more than 7,000 pedestrian fatalities and the number has continued to grow since then. Globally, the numbers are disturbingly higher. This all goes to show that the problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible. 

Several factors contribute to pedestrian safety risks, making walking more dangerous in some areas than others. It’s important to address each and every of these factors.

The first and main problem is that many cities and towns lack proper pedestrian infrastructure such as sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian bridges, and adequate lighting. This forces people to walk along roadways or cross streets in unsafe locations, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Additionally, speeding is another one of the leading causes of pedestrian fatalities. When vehicles travel at high speeds, drivers have less time to react, and the impact of collisions is much more severe for pedestrians.

Finally, just as drivers, pedestrians also easily get distracted by multimedia content. The use of mobile phones by both drivers and pedestrians has contributed to a rise in accidents.

Drivers texting, talking, or using navigation apps may fail to see pedestrians, while pedestrians distracted by their phones might step onto the road without checking for oncoming traffic. Often, pedestrians also wear headphones and are not able to hear incoming traffic. 

Tips for increasing pedestrian safety

Local governments can take several actions to improve pedestrian safety in their communities. However, pedestrians also need to take their safety seriously and be mindful of their surroundings. As pedestrians, they also have certain responsibilities and need to follow proper safety practices. 

Below, we’ll list some useful tips that local authorities can put into practice and try and create a safer environment for their residents. 

Improve pedestrian infrastructure

Cities should invest in well-maintained sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, crosswalks, and traffic islands to create safer walking spaces. As mentioned before, the lack of proper infrastructure is a big problem. Even when there are sidewalks, they are often unkempt and not safe at all for pedestrians.

This is exactly what makes pedestrians use other roads, and it’s what makes them vulnerable to accidents, especially during high-frequency traffic times. Once they get into an accident, pedestrians are not aware that they also have certain rights as victims.

That’s why it’s also necessary for local governments to make it easy for pedestrians to get in touch with a pedestrian accident lawyer or anyone who could provide legal advice. For instance, governments could set up an online resource list that would help keep pedestrians informed.

Lower speed limits in high-pedestrian areas

Additionally, it’s important to revise the speed limits in pedestrian areas. Implementing lower speed limits in school zones, residential areas, and busy commercial districts can reduce the severity of accidents and give drivers more time to react to pedestrians.

There should also be clear signs that inform drivers that they’re entering a pedestrian area so that they can expect a high frequency of people walking. 

Enhance street lighting 

Installing better street lighting, especially at intersections and crosswalks, helps drivers see pedestrians more clearly at night. Many areas, namely rural areas, often lack proper street lighting which makes it hard for pedestrians to spot potential threats. Also, it makes it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. This is an easy fix and the only thing authorities need to do is make a list of areas that require better street lighting. 

Proper street lighting is also necessary in neighborhoods with children as they often spend time outdoors in the evenings and it’s important that children are easily spotted by drivers at all times. 

Implement pedestrian-only zones

The best way to ensure pedestrian safety is to implement pedestrian-only zones where no traffic is allowed. Creating car-free zones in high-foot-traffic areas, such as downtown districts and near schools, can drastically reduce pedestrian injuries.

In many cities in the US, these pedestrian zones have proven a successful solution and have drastically reduced the number of accidents. Local authorities can take a look at these successful examples and see whether they can create something similar for their communities. 

The final word

Hopefully, you now understand the importance of pedestrian safety. Protecting pedestrians is a growing concern in many U.S. cities, and local governments have the power to make a significant impact. 

It’s important to understand the risks pedestrians face and take proactive steps to enhance infrastructure, enforce traffic laws, and educate the public. There are many steps that can be taken to create a better environment for pedestrians but there needs to be a proper plan in place.

Increasing safety for pedestrians helps promote a healthier lifestyle and helps create communities that benefit everyone.

Through collaborative efforts, local officials can ensure that streets are designed with pedestrians in mind, making urban spaces safer and more accessible for all.

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