Food & Beverage
How Has Toronto’s McEwan Catering Evolved Over the Years?

Various global cuisines inspire the food in Toronto, and you will find Japanese, Thai, Indian, Filipino, and Jamaican dishes, to name a few. The city has borrowed its popularity from various countries and is now a hub for food lovers. Among Toronto’s many cuisines and restaurants, McEwan Catering has made a special place in many taste buds.
McEwan Catering was created by chef Mark McEwan, who began his career as an executive chef in Toronto. He then opened the ground-breaking McEwan Catering, setting a new standard for Toronto’s culinary scene. Chef McEwan continued with his dining innovations, and his catering company is now adored by many. Let’s look into how McEwan Catering has evolved over the years to reach the level they are at now.
Innovative Menu Items
As a leader in the Canadian culinary scene, chef McEwan illustrates his relationship with food through the innovative menu items he offers. The food industry constantly changes, and new food trends appear almost every year. If there is any specific food trend you want to incorporate into your event menu, you can consult the catering company to determine if they have any items that represent the trend.
According to Food & Hospitality Magazine, some of the top food service trends for 2023 include premium proteins, plant-based poultry, clean eating, and specialty mushroom varieties. If you want to add any of these trends to your food menu, discuss your expectations with McEwan Catering to learn what they offer.
Distinctive Cooking Style
One of the most vital elements of a catering company is the taste and quality of its food, and McEwan Catering does not disappoint in that sector. Chef McEwan is widely recognized for his distinctive cooking style that aims to capture the essence of classic cuisine with
Chef Mark McEwan is widely recognized for his distinctive style of cooking that captures the essence of classical cuisine with a hint of contemporary flavours. The catering company offers a wide range of menu items that customers can choose from when hiring them for an event. No matter the size of your event, McEwan Catering can create an inclusive menu that helps you satisfy every guest. During your meeting with their representative, discuss your party’s theme and menu expectations to choose the best items for the event.
Transition to Gourmet Grocery Stores
Gourmet grocery stores have become popular in Canada as Canadians are increasingly interested in cooking and exploring new flavours and ingredients. This has led to a greater demand for specialty and gourmet foods. In addition, many Canadians are health-conscious and seek out high-quality, organic, and locally-sourced foods, often available at gourmet grocery stores. A study found that healthy eating has become increasingly important to Canadians, and almost half of Canadians report feeling guilty about eating unhealthy foods.
McEwan Catering has further contributed to this growing industry through its gourmet grocery stores that offer the finest-quality ingredients. Their gourmet grocery stores offer fresh produce, premium meats, home-baked breads, flowers, and more.
Community Engagement
In addition to offering quality food and services, the McEwan Group believes in actively engaging in communities. Over the years, they have contributed to charitable organizations they believe in through events, cultural partnerships, donations, and volunteering.