Groupe BPCE teams up with Télécom ParisTech to support the Big Data & Market Insights Chair

Groupe BPCE is joining Groupe Yves Rocher, and Deloitte as a partner of Télécom ParisTech’s Big Data & Market Insights Research Chair launched with Télécom Business School in December 2013. The Chair’s inter-disciplinary work is geared to improving companies’ knowledge of their clients, to helping them to personalise products and services and to develop techniques for preventing IT fraud and intrusions.
Led by Talel Abdessalem, Professor in Télécom ParisTech’s IT and Networks Department, the Chair combines Télécom ParisTech’s expertise in the field of big data processing and web mining with Télécom Business School’s know-how in the digital marketing area.
The Chair stimulates the partners’ R&D efforts in the big data field and ensures their business needs are incorporated into research activities.
“The partnership seeks to respond effectively to the considerable issues related to the constantly-increasing volume of data we produce, while also taking into account its varied and evolving nature. Through this long-term collaboration we aim to gain a better understanding of the behaviour of the clients of the various Groupe BPCE companies and thereby serve them better within the context of a lasting relationship built on confidence and trust”explains Philippe Poirot, Head of Digital Development, Transformation and Quality, Groupe BPCE.
“We are delighted to welcome Groupe BPCE as a partner of the Big Data & Market Insights Chair. Firstly, like our existing partners, Groupe BPCE recognises the major challenges raised by big data and the interest of joining forces with a specialist research team in order to maximise the understanding and use of this data both for the benefit of the Group and of its clients. And secondly, the fact that our partners come from different sectors of activity enables us to enhance our knowledge of the various business issues and needs linked to big data and to develop effective solutions tailored to these individual issues and needs. Groupe BPCE’s entry into the Chair means we can incorporate the needs of the banking and insurance industry into our research work”underlinesTalel Abdessalem.
“The Chair’s Management Committee and its existing partners – Groupe Yves Rocher, and Deloitte – are happy to have Groupe BPCE join the Big Data & Market Insights Chair. Groupe BPCE will bring a complementary business view and interesting practical issues to the Chair. All partners are ready to share their experiences and internally-tested use cases in order to improve the relationship with their clients and to adapt products and services in accordance with their needs”says Frédéric Burtz,, Chairman of the Chair’s Management Committee.
The Big Data & Market Insights Chair was set up with the support of Fondation Télécom. It is the 9th Télécom ParisTech research chair funded by backers. It is the 3rd big data-related research chair in which Télécom ParisTech participates within the scope of Institut Mines-Télécom. It rounds out the mathematical and statistical approach of the Machine Learning for Big Data Chair and the legal, technical, economic and philosophical approach of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair.