Groupe BPCE Launches an Innovative Payments Solution Enabling Individuals to Pay Via A Simple Tweet

All Twitter users who hold a French bank card can now send money via a tweet: a simple, quick, free and secure means of payment.
This world first in the payment media field was achieved by Groupe BPCE’s specialist mobile payments subsidiary, S-money.
As Jean-Yves Forel, Groupe BPCE Chief Executive Officer responsible for Commercial Banking and Insurance explains: “This initiative between Groupe BPCE and S-Money on Twitter, illustrates our Group’s ability to deliver payment solutions in synch with new forms of usage and behaviour exhibited by individuals”.
“This innovation opens up numerous opportunities in the payments field: charitable donations, crowdfunding in all its forms, ticketing, cash-back programmes, etc. Action Contre la Faim, Le Pot Commun and Fundovino are the first partners to associate themselves with our approach” says Nicolas Chatillonc, CEO of S-money.