Do Window Shutters Provide Total Blackout?

One of the biggest benefits of window shutters is how they enable much greater control over external lighting. In particular, plantation shutters manufactured from the highest quality materials can be highly effective in blocking natural light.
However, no standard shutters including plantation shutters can provide total light exclusion. Shutters are not designed with this kind of total blackout in mind, but can nonetheless be useful in blocking a good deal of external light.
Where total blackout is the desired result, blackout blinds offer a more effective solution (particularly when paired with quality shutters).
Why Would Total Blackout Be Necessary?
There are various reasons why bringing total darkness to an interior space could be useful or even necessary.
For example:
- Where shift workers need to sleep during hours of daylight
- For kids bedrooms and nurseries to ensure restful naps
- When watching movies and TV shows to create the right ambience
- To enable photographs to be developed in a DIY darkroom
- Simply to aid the restful sleep of light or disturbed sleepers
Light pollution can be more problematic than most people realise. In fact, research shows that around 50% of people have encountered difficulty sleeping during light pollution at some point in their lives.
What is the Difference Between Blackout and Room Darkening?
All window coverings contribute to room darkening to some extent. From the simplest blinds to the heaviest curtains to high-end plantation shutters, all window treatments contribute to the cause.
But what remains the same in all instances is their limited capacity to achieve total blackout. No window covering is as effective in blocking exterior light as blackout blinds. While blackout blinds cannot claim to block 100% of light for flawless darkness, they perform on a level that goes far beyond the capacity of any other window treatment.
Do Window Shutters Provide Adequate Room Darkening?
In most instances, the light-blocking properties of window shutters are more than enough for the average household. But as shutters do not provide a flawless seal around the edges or between the louvres they cannot deliver total darkness.
Irrespective of the quality of the shutters, there will always be a certain level of light bleed to factor in.
Blackout blinds improve on the light-blocking capabilities of other window treatments by using a seamless panel of material to reduce these gaps and ‘leaks’. Made to measure and fitted with pinpoint precision, light bleed can be reduced to the bare minimum for near-total darkness.
They can also be a surprisingly affordable solution, whether used alone or in conjunction with your preferred secondary window treatment.
The Shutter & Shade Combination
Achieving the best of both worlds is also possible by combining the finest plantation shutters with precision-crafted blackout blinds. There is no better way of achieving total blackout in any room of the home, while at the same time significantly boosting its aesthetic appeal.
Bespoke plantation shutters can be integrated beautifully into any room of the home. When combined with blackout blinds, shutters can make a particularly practical addition to the following rooms:
- Bedrooms – The obvious choice for a blackout solution, helping aid restful sleep by reducing light pollution and creating a more relaxing ambience indoors. Evidence has shown that the darker the environment, the more restful the sleep a person can get.
- Nurseries – The importance of creating a restful environment during the days particularly important for babies and young children. As an added bonus, shutters and blackout blinds are ideal for maximising the privacy in these intimate rooms of the home.
- Living Rooms – All shared living spaces around the home can benefit from the installation of shutters and shades. From romantic dinners to family movie nights to simply creating a more relaxation space to spend time, window treatments make a major contribution to a room’s ambience.
- Home Offices. Blocking out exterior light and boosting privacy can also play an important role in creating a comfortable and productive home office. If the space in question is exposed to a lot of direct sunlight, blackout blinds can make a huge difference.
Plantation shutters can also be manufactured from durable materials that are suitable for high humidity environments, such as the bathroom or kitchen. Bathrooms, in particular, can benefit from the installation of shutters and/or blinds, where windows may present a major privacy issue.
Do I Need Room Darkening or Total Blackout?
Choosing between effective room darkening and total blackout is purely a judgment call. It is entirely up to you to decide on the level of darkness you wish to achieve in any given room of the home.
If in doubt, your supplier will be able to provide their advice on the specific options available. But if achieving maximum light exclusion is your priority, nothing gets the job done better than quality blackout blinds.
About the Author:
Craig Upton supports UK businesses by increasing sales growth using various marketing solutions online. Creating strategic partnerships and keen focus to detail, Craig equips websites with the right tools to rank in organic search. Craig is also the CEO of iCONQUER, a UK based SEO company and has been working in the digital marketing arena for many years. A trusted SEO consultant and trainer, Craig has worked with British brands such as, UK Property Finance, Serimax and also supported UK doctors, solicitors and property developers, gain more exposure online. Craig has gained a wealth of knowledge using Google and is committed to creating new opportunities and partnerships.