Reports and Insights
Brands Positioning – An Overview

It is crucial to keep the audience in mind when developing a brand. The brand is your vehicle, and it should always be focused on meeting the needs of your target market. You want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, so you need to ensure that all of your communication efforts are consistent with this goal.
Furthermore, do not overextend yourself by trying too hard to please everyone or try to cover every possible alternative point-of-view. Remember: Your job as a professional communicator is not only telling the truth but also presenting information clearly and accurately without misrepresenting facts or opinions for personal gain or political reasons.
Brand positioning involves using one’s personality traits and characteristics, such as values and beliefs that influence how a person thinks about himself or herself—for example, “I am happy” means I like myself; “I can make things happen” means I am able; “I will share my knowledge because others benefit from it too” means I care about other people.
Brand position can be anything from a simple logo to an elaborate tagline that describes your business in fewer than 200 characters. It is the embodiment of what you stand for, and it gives people a clear idea about who you are as an organization. By branding yourself, you set yourself apart from other organizations and also help reduce brand confusion.
Marketing research is essential when developing your brand position because it helps identify how customers perceive your product or service through market research studies—in-depth interviews with individuals or groups, focus groups, observations of actual performance (the results), surveys, etc., conducted by trained researchers to make inferences about people’s perceptions based on their behavior.
In today’s highly competitive environment, companies must strive for brand differentiation if they hope to maintain a strong market share over time as more companies compete against them for consumers’ purchase dollars. Brand differentiation involves differentiating products through advertising and promotions; positioning; packaging; distribution channels; salesmanship techniques such as pricing policy and delivery systems; communication methods such as direct mail campaigns accompanied by coupons; overall appearance including color schemes used throughout the company’s operations (elevator music); corporate culture both inside and outside of the workplace among employees at all levels along with messages communicated through internal publications such as newsletters or employee handbooks.
In addition to targeting specific segments within this broader category known as target markets, there are two other types of targeted audiences that marketers should consider in order to enhance their customer relationships: segmentation targets individual customers rather than broad categories or industries but still needs precise information about each person so that he can be targeted appropriately depending on his tastes and interests (such information could include age range information) while psychographics identifies characteristics such as personality type which relates closely toward a consumer’s buying habits beyond demographics because these traits influence purchasing decisions without any doubt whatsoever.
The Brand Positioning Strategy is a systematic approach to developing a strong brand strategy. It has five components: Marketing Plan, Objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Communication Plan and Budget. The plan focuses on the company’s strategies while objectives focus on goals such as market share increase and/or profits for the coming year; key performance indicators break down the business into short-term targets which can then be broken down further by department or division within order to measure results against KPIs; communication plans outline who will communicate with whom regarding specific messages about products or services over time; budgets provide financial information to help ensure that all of these activities are not only effective but also cost-effective through proper planning before a campaign begins.
The Brand Positioning Framework is a structured approach that can be used to develop brand positioning and communication strategies. The framework has five components: Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Core Values, Principles & Risks (concepts) and Key Relationships. Within each component are three sections which need to be addressed:
Vision statement
This section should describe your company’s overall business strategy in the year ahead by describing what you want customers or stakeholders to think about your organization when they read marketing material or listen to salespeople talking about it; this section also outlines how you plan on achieving these goals over time.
Mission statement
This section defines what you will do for customers; it may include phrases like “deliver superior customer service”, “provide the best quality products”, or “be the best at helping people save money” as well as more specific statements that clearly define exactly how much value you provide for clients such as “reduce energy consumption by 10%”.
Core values
These are values that all employees of a company share and help them work together towards an ideal vision of where a firm is heading especially with regard to core values within their mission statements above such as doing things right every time rather than just always trying hard enough because if everyone works hard enough eventually someone will succeed no matter who they are working with so it doesn’t really matter if there isn’t anyone around making sure everything runs smoothly from start-to-finish – but in other words great service won’t happen without great staff support.
Principles & risks
This section explains the fundamental philosophies that guide your organization such as “being completely trustworthy”, or “doing the right thing and not doing anything wrong” but also lists some of the potential dangers you face in certain situations (e.g. having a lot of competitors) so customers know exactly what to expect from you.
Key relationships
This section outlines how the various stakeholders in the company (e.g. customers, employees, suppliers) relate to one another such as “being a good neighbor” or “serving customers’ needs” so that everyone knows what roles each person plays in order for them all to work together towards achieving an ideal vision of where your organization is headed with regard to core values within their mission statements above.
Overall, brand positioning is intended to serve as a foundation upon which your organization will build its entire marketing strategy. Your brand position should be unique and informative, but it shouldn’t try to impress or intimidate consumers with grandiose language. Your brand position should be consistent, clear and easy to understand so that customers know exactly what they are getting when they buy your product or service.