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6 Remote Jobs in Marketing That Are Perfect for Students

6 Remote Jobs in Marketing That Are Perfect for Students

In recent years, internet marketing has evolved to an incredible level. In fact, all companies went online, and many specialists switched to remote work. The labor market in this area has expanded. So, marketers have become even more in demand, plus new jobs have appeared.

What marketing professions are the most suitable for students in 2021? We have collected 6 of them – read on to find out about the responsibilities of a particular job.

Content Manager/Content Marketer

A content marketer not only creates high-quality and original content. This specialist also distributes it to the audience with maximum efficiency. How? Content must meet the users’ interests and latest trends. That is why such a manager studies the market and then develops a strategy. Thanks to deep analysis and research, a content marketer determines the potential ways of product promotion and popular topics.

The result of the manager’s work is content that attracts potential buyers, making them return to the site and accounts for new information.

Responsibilities of a content manager may vary from company to company:

  • Tracking trends and industry news;
  • Research of the brand audience and drawing up a content strategy;
  • Determining the most relevant promotion channels;
  • Content creation and distribution with a help of copywriters, designers, SMM and PR managers;
  • Tracking performance indicators.

As you can see, the number of tasks is huge. That is why some students working in the sphere often find themselves completely unready to hand in their college assignments on time. When googling ‘cheap write my research paper help’, they quickly find a reliable writer. This way, outsourcing becomes a great way to manage it all when the load at work and school is difficult to handle.

Social Media Manager

A successful SMM specialist is required to have a deep understanding of the latest marketing tools, including graphic editors, online apps and platforms. This job is not as simple as some assume it to be. Promoting and shaping an image on social media is an extremely dynamic process. It is necessary to constantly monitor the changing interests of the audience and its reactions to the company’s activities.

The range of responsibilities can be wide, so here is what an SMM specialist can be responsible for:

  • Strategy development (defining the target audience and its behavior, searching for suitable platforms, integrating SMM activities into the general marketing strategy of the company);
  • Conducting contests, giveaways, and so on;
  • Receiving feedback from users and answering to their messages and comments;
  • Increasing user activity;
  • Content management;
  • Collaboration with influencers to improve brand’s identity and improve sales;
  • Monitoring social media activities and making changes to strategy.


This job is related to various directions: there are SEO, technical, creative, digital, PR copywriters, etc. Copywriter is the name for the authors of any texts: online articles, posts for social networks, email campaigns, case studies, and so on. Nowadays copywriters more and more often call themselves commercial authors.

It is essential for such specialists not only to write well. They also structure information from different sources, check facts, work with keywords and contextual advertising. Great authors must connect to the audience they write for and present information in an engaging way. It also has to be easy to read and rather catchy.

6 Remote Jobs in Marketing That Are Perfect for Students

Image Source: Unsplash

Email Marketing Specialist

The main task of an email marketing specialist is to create newsletters to increase the client base and sales. The goals differ: to motivate customers to go to the company’s website or social networks, buy a product or service, leave a review, check the latest sale, etc. The duties are:

  • Research of the audience and trends of e-mail marketing;
  • Work on clients’ base;
  • Drawing up a plan for a newsletter;
  • Creating emails in collaboration with a copywriter and designer;
  • Automation of mailing;
  • Efficiency analysis.

SEO Specialist

Search engine optimization is of extreme importance to any site, as it makes it more attractive to the search engine. When the content is of high quality and the site is easy to navigate, it’s ranked higher and more users will visit it eventually. And this is the exact goal of a SEO specialist.

Probably the most important thing about this job is that it’s closely related to analytics. SEO specialists answer many questions each day:

  • Which keywords work more efficiently?
  • What is the best site interface from a users’ perspective?
  • How does contextual advertising affect traffic?

The job of a SEO specialist deals with marketing and programming. Algorithms for ranking sites change quickly, so one must take all the innovations into account.

To make an effective site optimization, a specialist must create a semantic kernel. These are keywords and user requests grouped according to certain criteria. Next, one distributes the semantic core across the site’s pages.

These days, a search engine analyzes the value of a website through the behavior of its users. Many things matter – from design and usability to a convenient interface and useful content.

PR Manager

The boundaries between marketing and public relations seem to have been vanishing in recent years. A PR manager is engaged in creating and maintaining a favorable company image. The tools are interactions with customers, media, partners, investors, etc. This specialist evaluates and predicts what can affect the company’s image.

Of course, cooperation between the organization and its clients, journalists, and authorities is necessary. Therefore, the responsibilities are quite serious:

  • Preparation of press releases about the company and spreading them;
  • Communication with the media;
  • Organization of press conferences;
  • Conducting PR campaigns;
  • Interaction with the brand audience and external partners;
  • Maintaining a positive image of the company.

When looking for a job, note that every large organization has a position of a PR manager. Another way is to search for a PR agency that has customers that you would like to work with (from banks to trading companies or even artists).

To Sum Up

The digital marketing field is expanding: every year, there are more and more advertising channels and new challenges, of course. It goes without saying that many things are being automated, but talented specialists still do not lose their key importance.

Once you’ve read the tasks of the aforementioned professionals, you may notice that there is a set of tasks that are the same for many jobs. The ability to discover insights about the audience, quick reaction to any crisis, being a trend watcher – a great marketer has it all.

Fortunately, all of these jobs are available remotely, which makes them easy to combine with your studies.

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