4 Steps for Businesses to Start on the Right Foot with New Employees

Welcoming a new employee can be exciting, but there’s also the potential for things to go wrong. Some new employees can feel like they don’t get the right support when they start their role, and they’re left to try and figure things out for themselves. As the employer, you can help to make sure they get the help and support that they need on their first day and as they continue to work for you. If you’re not sure where to start, there are several steps you can take to welcome new employees and ensure they get off on the right foot.
Connect Them with Key Staff
Getting to know the most important people is essential when starting a new job. Employees need to know who they report to and who is responsible for different things. On your employee’s first day, you might give them a tour or hold a welcome meeting to help them get settled in. It’s a good idea if this is conducted by key staff so that your new employee has a chance to see some important faces, ask questions, and start getting to know people in key roles. It also helps them to know who they can go to when they need guidance.
Bring Them Into the Fold
It can take time for someone to become part of the family when they join a new firm, but there are some things you can do to help them. Bringing everyone together is another way to help your new employee get used to seeing some new faces, in addition to giving existing employees a chance to meet their new coworker. You might choose to do this with a team lunch on their first day, or perhaps some team drinks after work. Encouraging everyone to get together can start bringing your new employee into the fold.
Get All the Documentation Right
It might be boring, but getting all of the paperwork right is an important part of welcoming a new employee. They should get their contract, employee handbook, benefits information and other important documentation. You can use HR consulting services to help you handle all of this and ensure you get it all right. Give your employee some time to go over it all too so that they can take in what’s there instead of having to deal with it all at home. They may want to ask questions or raise any issues.
Ease Them In
A full day of work can be tough when you’re new to the company. Instead of preparing a complete day when they’re completely new, you can ease them into it. This could include asking them to come in a little later on their first day so that everything is set up for them when they arrive. You can try to keep their workload light on their first day too, especially if they have new things to learn.
When you start off on the right foot with a new employee, you can create a mutually beneficial relationship.