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4 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Brand

4 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Brand

Promoting your business is a must if you want to ensure a steady stream of paying customers and clients. Poor brand marketing is one of the main reasons businesses fail. Many business owners consider brand marketing to be achieved by hiring brand consultants’ services, which costs money. Fortunately, the good news is that any business owner can embark on an efficient brand marketing campaign with very little or no cost. Are you looking for cheap ways to market your brand or business and reach a wider pool of clients? Here are some tips that should help.

1. Use social media

With over 4.5 billion people having access to the internet globally, social media offers one of the biggest platforms to reach a wider audience without spending too much. Although a platform such as Facebook has paid advertising options that will increase your audience base, it comes at a comparatively moderate price. That notwithstanding, you can ignore that option and still manage to expose your brand to a sizable number of potential customers. All you need to do is to plan your marketing strategy.

2. Good old word of mouth

According to experts, about 92% of consumers believe the suggestions they receive from family and friends more than they believe advertising. It makes the old-fashioned word-of-mouth brand marketing one of the most effective. However, for this to work for your brand, you need to give your best to your customers. That’s because when your clients are satisfied, the chances that they will spread the good news to others are very high. Reviews also work in the same manner. Most buyers look up reviews about the products or services they are interested in before deciding to purchase. Thus, encourage your happy clients to leave reviews on your website and social media pages.

3. Leverage on existing relationships

Everybody knows somebody. Most people know at least a dozen people. If you do the math, you will realize that taking time to establish relationships with the people you already know is one effective and cheap way of spreading your brand. Whether they are friends, family, colleagues, clients, or people you met through networking organizations, all these people can quickly become the ‘cheerleaders’ of your brand for free. Start by writing down a full list of the people you know. Next, categorize them into different lists based on priority. Those that know more about your business are the high priority list. Those that know little about your brand are those you need to spend time with to educate them.

4. Create and share relevant content

4 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Brand

Source: Pexels

Flowing from creating social media pages, go on to develop and share relevant content. You need to do this to provide your audience with a regular flow of something to look at – something that will help inform their decision making and response to your brand. You can also use your business website and share informative blog content. Make a qr code that contains your business information and embed it into your content. It will engage your audience and even prompt them to provide feedback. Blogging also allows you to display your knowledge and expertise – all of which will convince your target customer that you are a reliable and credible brand to work with.

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